Long shadow from Vanguard can roll with triple tap, those are easy to get if you have tokens. Izagani is now fixed too. Beloved is easily farmable too from menagerie can roll 4th times the charm. Those are all 70 impact snipes. There is a 90 impact you can get from collections, Show of force but no TT. Tatara Gaze is grindable from the Forges, thats a 90 sadly, again no TT, Also there is another 90, the Bite of the Fox you can get now from Iron Banner thats running till tues. Not sure if those can roll with triple tap though probably not.
The rapid fire ones have better sustained DPS though from reading the DPS charts, if you have the re loader perks running and triple tap.
I would still make it my mission to grind out the Izanagi, that thing is top deeps.