you can adapt as a pc gamer to controller, it only takes a few hours and it becomes second nature. For games with HEAVY auto aim, aim assist, and auto lock on many feel things like XIM are an actual disadvantage, and RL tests have been a bit inconclusive with "pro" gamer teams using controllers beating xim users in those games. For games with lower aim assist and not strong auto lock on, like Overwatch or Battlefield, then KBM/Xim/etc is far superior of course. Do what you want but I've never had any problems at all in stuff like Destiny, Call of Duty, etc playing with Dualshocks
anyways Destiny 2 worldwide release information will be on march 30th 10am PST / 1pm EST
I just updated destiny on PS4, 900 meg download. New options in home, new video trailer when you go to earth to celebrate Year of Triumph, a new record book with a TON of items (like 40+) with some that fill in with what you have done and some that do NOT, like melee punches and most PVP/PVE activities. They tweaked some of the stuff and the old raids are updated now to light 390 mobs and light 400 drops (i think), ONLY crota's end is updated for this week but all the raids will be updated, one per week. There is a main menu icon to launch the updated raid but it does not still matchmake, you have to find a group on or whatever still.