I mean... the XP gets you season ranks and gets you engrams later... you don't have to if you are playing enough?I def dont like the bounty=exp shit they added in. I wanna play Destiny the way I want to play it, not how some bounty wants me to play it.
Sospronk mentioned this was coming to the Xbox game pass in another thread. How is that going to work in terms of account sharing? Can I use my same Steam account on Xbox? Or is it completely separate, and always will be?
You might get 1 in like 8 hours kinda rare. Or 0 or 4.It's called Cross-Save, and it's easy to set up, but you can only use one accounts characters. So if you play only on Steam, you can then use your Steam characters on Xbox. But if you play on both separately, it will overwrite one or the other.
Edit: How rare are Exotic engrams? I've been running Strikes like nonstop and haven't gotten one, I need it to complete an exotic quest step.
Sospronk mentioned this was coming to the Xbox game pass in another thread. How is that going to work in terms of account sharing? Can I use my same Steam account on Xbox? Or is it completely separate, and always will be?
The weapons are really rare, random drops, but gear not so much. For instance there is 4 different "nigtfall" difficulties. If you run the highest difficulty that has matchmaking (this season its 1020 light level) you will get an exotic gear reward maybe 1 in 4? Which is not bad.The higher light level ones reward them even more but you have to make your own team in order to run them because they have no matchmaking.Edit: How rare are Exotic engrams? I've been running Strikes like nonstop and haven't gotten one, I need it to complete an exotic quest step.
What kind of strikes? The harder the greater your chance
The weapons are really rare, random drops, but gear not so much. For instance there is 4 different "nigtfall" difficulties. If you run the highest difficulty that has matchmaking (this season its 1020 light level) you will get an exotic gear reward maybe 1 in 4? Which is not bad.The higher light level ones reward them even more but you have to make your own team in order to run them because they have no matchmaking.
Some of the exotic weapons you need to do quests for. Like Mida, malfesence, ace...
If that was the pistol one, its not worth it. I remember quitting this one I thinkI'm only 1009 Light right now, and running the "Heroic" 1020 in a PUG is painful... for my team mates to deal with how shitty I am.
I have the Mida Multitool, and a few other exotic weapons, I just want the damn Exotic Engram so I can reach the next step of the Sturm mission. Unless that has to come SPECIFICALLY from Nessus, in which case fuck that quest I don't even really want Sturm.
I'm actually pretty happy with a few of the Masterwork legendaries I have, they fit my playstyle better.