Can you pull a higher level one from your collections?Created a new character, went to do teh first mission and got fucking destroyed. Notice all enemies are ?? and my light level is too low. One of my armor pieces didn't get leveled to 1050 like the rest. Can't do shit, have to re-create the character and hope it doesn't bug out again.
You should definitely keep that so you can AFK farm something in the future...Created a new character, went to do teh first mission and got fucking destroyed. Notice all enemies are ?? and my light level is too low. One of my armor pieces didn't get leveled to 1050 like the rest. Can't do shit, have to re-create the character and hope it doesn't bug out again.
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Can you pull a higher level one from your collections?
Perfect Paradox, Izanagi, Witherhoard, Long Shadow, Astral Horizon, Chaperone, Bite of the Fox?
How terrible is Hawthorne's?Unfortunately Perfect Paradox was during a season I wasn't really playing the game. Also I should have specified legendary and not exotic. Long Shadow is alright and common, just really need a good primary shotgun. I had a badass Dust Rock Blues with 84 range, full auto + rampage but it got sunset. Haven't seen anything as good compared to it.
Hawthorne’s and Toil definitely don’t compare to Dust Rock. I’ve been using the new Pulse in Kinetic and cycling through shotguns and others in the Energy slot. There are definitely way more options in the Energy slot than in Kinetic lol.How terrible is Hawthorne's?
Right now mine is basically "fuck i need to finish that weapon smith bounty" slot.Kinetic slots are absolutely dogshit right now.
While I'm still enjoying my time in the game right now I don't understand how they keep going so wrong.
D1 Year 3 was incredible. The strikes were good and challenging at all light levels. Each strike having it's own weapon drop that kept you chasing rolls was great and kept you playing. The strikes were also very fun. Why are they unable to duplicate this?
D2 you have most of the strikes removed, no weapons to really chase. There are almost no enemies in the strikes and they are considerably dumber ai, or you get the ordeal which is one fucking mission rather than a playlist with bullet sponge enemies. Couple that with some insane balance issues, for example the sunshot basically has unlimited ammo as an exotic. You get a sniper or lord of wolves and you run out in seconds then none drops the rest of the run.
Is it just high turnover at Bungie or what? Do they even play their own game? If you're worried about exotics being too powerful then make enemies tougher (Not bullet sponges). Hell, look at the Taken in D1. Those fuckers would split like 20 times and port all over the god damn place. Now they split like once and maybe port once or twice. Minotaurs used to bum rush you and try to get behind you while hobogoblins would be shitting all over you if you peaked in the wrong spot. All that's gone. I just don't get it.
Couple that with some insane balance issues, for example the sunshot basically has unlimited ammo as an exotic. You get a sniper or lord of wolves and you run out in seconds then none drops the rest of the run.
Oh okay so you're running the low level NF's and not the actual hard ones got itThey aren’t harder. They just have bullet sponges meant to speed bump you on a speed run. It’s not harder. And if you wipe once you are shot, but it lets you finish or bail. And if you are going to 100k you just bail.
Solar burn with icebreaker was always one of my favorites. I miss the older style too with safe spots, lots of cheeses, and slower pacing. Now it’s all constant movement, no safe spots, and chaos.Remember the weeks where the nightfalls was great because of burns? Some weeks it worked out your build could melt the whole damn thing. But if you slipped up once a boomer would end you.