<Gold Donor>
Yes its hard to get rampage stacks in pvp, never said it was, (There is nothing really EASY in destiny pvp for average folks) but its still possible in 6es where you can clean up other peoples dmg for kills, it happens all the time, add in a rampage spec mod to the gun and you have a few seconds more of rampage time. But its NOT hard to get a charge of light build and still 2 tap with 120s. And no I was not watching some youtube video about it just a stream of an average PvPer at best. Probably better than me, but thats not saying much.Just because you've watched a Diaside video doesn't make you correct on the matter. It's a wonderful showcase for the If Destiny Youtubers were honest video. Seriously, watch it... all of it.
It's pretty fucking hard to even get to 3x Rampage in PvP, let alone go on a murder spree to maintain it. Set some expectations a little closer to reality.
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