Thanks for all the tips and info you post in here. Super helpful for the returning player.
Are there any engrams that I need to have my highest gear equipped to get the most out of or do they all just key off the highest possible level combination in your inventory and vault?
Highest possible, doesn't matter what you have equipped at all.
Also yeah, I'm lvl 129 and I'm only playing 1 char, probably an average of 2 hours a day? I've been turning in all the bounties solo most of the time too or I'd probably be 10-20 levels higher I guess? I'll tell you what I do typically.
Log in, while in space I open my phone and open the app, go to bounties and take all the gunsmith ones, plus all the gunsmith randoms, all the splicer ones (not the randoms), all the Wayfinders compass ones (not the randoms), click through the Vanguard ones for any that don't require strikes, Then I grab all the EDZ and Nessus ones. Then I just land on EDZ and run around (or run through a lost sector a few times) and focus one weapon type at a time, plus whatever supers or abilities, and complete tons of bounties at once. Once I finish all the EDZ I hop over to Nesses and continue, then sometimes Cosmodrome and/'or Europa. I finish like 30ish bounties in around 45 minutes or less probably? Then I focus on Quests or some other activity like strikes or gambit or whatever, and pick up whatever bounties go with that too.
Today is day 30 of the Season, so that's just over 5 levels a day, which is suppppper doable. I've missed a bunch of days and am still that high, heck, my wife is only able to play 3 days a week and she's about 70 I think.
And yes, Lenas is the best

When are you gonna sherpa me through Vault Lenas?!