SO the only way to purchase this shit is to drop $80 on the deluxe edition? Dont they have the regular digital edition?
Finished today on my lunch break. Did all of legendary solo, some parts were really tough. Best campaign D2 has ever had IMO.
SO the only way to purchase this shit is to drop $80 on the deluxe edition? Dont they have the regular digital edition?
Can get them from Ikora at the tower. Once you get them, there is a thing to meditate at right beside her that finishes unlocking them.So how dop you unlock all the other subclass BS like the different nades and shit?
There was a quest for it. IDK how I opened it but I got a quest to visit her on my titan. Reason I asked is I did the meditate thing in front of her little altar but nothing happened the first time. SO a day later I went back and did it again and got all the nades at least to open up.grenades at least. rest of the fragments arent available yet, i'd lean toward them unlocking after the raid next weekend. also its fucking retarded you don't start with all the stuff thats purchasable right off the bat. i had no indication in game that they were available at Ikora, found out via discord.
Another problem I ran into this week was that I was not getting any of that ops shit to start my quest for this week. I ran the strikes, then I did a few missions too and nothing. Then I noticed I had like 2K of that shit in my inventory (max) from last week. So I had to delete it (all of it with one delete too) and then I started getting it again. Obviously a bug but kinda pissed me off after doing all that work.