Now do all 3 TW:WH gamesThey fucked up and instead of D3 where people actually come back they went with new game instead thinking D2 will carry them for years on end.
And its been the same old shit year in and year out. Even when they said this will all change...Expansion, followed by a few seasons of seasonal content which is kinda meh, a few new weapons which are all the fucking same now except a few new perks, which end up being nerfed to the ground when good....I dont know, too formulaic now.
Also from watching some videos on the subject, the new player experience still sucks. Shit, even for the returning players it s still a fucking mess of not knowing what to do, where to go, no clear instructions...etc... Then the whole $200 to get up to date with all the content...And without new players coming in this might as well be a dead game. Like has been said time and time again, when a new expansion releases for the $60 or whatever, this shit should include ALL past content and unlocks everything in the game.
Not this...
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50% to 90% off and it still all costs $150....
50% to 90% off and it still all costs $150....
Yeah, get them in make sure the noob shit is fun engaging and self explanatory, then get them to spend cash in the store or whatever. I mean back when this game was at its peak, sure, charge more, be greedy. But now? When the game is dying? They need to do everything to get new bloods in. Or rather people returning because lets face it, most people that play these types of games tried D2 at some point.. And the price tag for returning and getting all up to date is a tough one to swallow for some people. Especially if you have some friends that play or whatever but youre not into it 100%.This company is retarded as fuck not to roll everything into one package once a new expac drops. Greedy fucks. It's almost as bad as the LotRo store. These people are retarded - the goal should be to make the barrier for entry as painless as possible.
Which exactly describes me and some friends. We had one stretch a few years ago where we all sunk 100 hours or so into the game, and really enjoyed it.Yeah, get them in make sure the noob shit is fun engaging and self explanatory, then get them to spend cash in the store or whatever. I mean back when this game was at its peak, sure, charge more, be greedy. But now? When the game is dying? They need to do everything to get new bloods in. Or rather people returning because lets face it, most people that play these types of games tried D2 at some point.. And the price tag for returning and getting all up to date is a tough one to swallow for some people. Especially if you have some friends that play or whatever but youre not into it 100%.
That's basically what happened to me and my little group. I know I had asked some of you guys maybe a year or so ago how to get back into the game. Picked up some of the expansions and started getting into it but then it was asking me to think a bunch more money and then it was just confusing as to what the hell was still available and what wasn't.Which exactly describes me and some friends. We had one stretch a few years ago where we all sunk 100 hours or so into the game, and really enjoyed it.
Everytime we kicked around starting back to we thought how annoying it was to try and decipher all the shit just to get back into the game. It's a mess, or was a mess, and sounds like it's even more of a mess now.
They said the game got too large.Was there a technical reason they would sunset expansions?
I mean was it something there servers couldn't handle or whatever? I don't know I just figured why wouldn't you keep every piece of content you ever spent hundreds and thousands of hours and x number of dollars on available for people, especially if somebody news coming in and they might end up spending a damn year playing your game.They said the game got too large.
$20 on Tuesday or you might be able to get it for bright dust in a year.