Did some research and folks are having issues with the PS4 Pro in general with wifi connectivity so I ended up running a network cable to the PS4 pro and haven't had a single drop since. So looks like problem resolved. BTW Destiny in 4k on a brand new LG E7 4k OLED 65 inch is fucking glorious!
My Pro seems fine, but i have heard this is a know issue with other Pro owners. Sorry -(
Destiny 2: Bungie, Sony Investigating PS4 Pro Crashing Issue - IGN
I want one. Except then I started hearing about all the screen burn issues. Lots of them now.
SAD!Call me crazy, but poop socking three of the same class is some high level faggotry. Do the same content three times isboring, doing it to get the same gear in hopes of pushing level faster is gay as shit. Try the other characters. You are like the EQ faggot Monks that had nothing but other alt monks. GAY.
Call me crazy, but poop socking three of the same class is some high level faggotry. Do the same content three times isboring, doing it to get the same gear in hopes of pushing level faster is gay as shit. Try the other characters. You are like the EQ faggot Monks that had nothing but other alt monks. GAY.
I did play all 3 in Destiny 1, and the other two sucked. not my style. And the worst part about it is you have the muscle memory for your favorite, you jump on the other and youre fucking lost for a while.You do three of your favorite class so you can do the weekly shit 3X on the character you like.
Deleted one of my titans last night, made a warlock, and just as I suspected, 6 hours later she was 20 and 270ish power, lol. Really harder there to level another class there bros, equipped all my weapons from titan, then spent the 100 or so tokens I had from leveling in PEs and she was 271 at end of night, probably going to be close to 295 when I get done with weekly shit, pick up clan stuff at tower. Wow, they sure made it harder by not allowing me my damn 3 titans.
Would of probably been quicker but I was doing other shit around the house, too.
Lol.to be fair there really isn't that much difference between the classes, i'd say its even worse in D2 than in D1. At least in D1 you could make some weird off the path spec choices and it felt very different. I honestly can't tell sometimes which class I am playing until I either have to jump (FUCKING WARLOCKS) or i activate a super and i'm in the wrong class/spec.
Hunters seem kinda fucked though, the special move (hold O) for titans is the cool shield wall, for warlocks the rifts are awesome team helpers, and for hunters you... roll like an asshole.
FTFY.pirouette like an asshole.
to be fair there really isn't that much difference between the classes, i'd say its even worse in D2 than in D1. At least in D1 you could make some weird off the path spec choices and it felt very different. I honestly can't tell sometimes which class I am playing until I either have to jump (FUCKING WARLOCKS) or i activate a super and i'm in the wrong class/spec.
Hunters seem kinda fucked though, the special move (hold O) for titans is the cool shield wall, for warlocks the rifts are awesome team helpers, and for hunters you... roll like an asshole.
Warlock jump is aids I agree.
Hunter roll in PVP owns tho.