

Molten Core Raider
Everyone complaining about not having a reason to upgrade their video card should try upgrading their display first. A[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */korean will rape even a GTX Titan.


Avatar of War Slayer
PC gaming is a bit anachronistic.
High highs, and low lows.

The "future" of PC gaming then is being pulled in both directions.

on one hand you have indie gaming, which is now making its way onto consoles, but firmly originated on PCs. We'll see how this goes. will consoles steal the thunder here too? Will they migrate to the console pie? I imagine this will largely be determined on how well the marketplaces are run. Gog, Desura, and Steam doing indie games a solid on PC. As well as the ease of crowdfunding via paypal, etc.
But these also are generally notable for very low system specs required.

Casual/social games. Mobile devices are generally included into PC gaming by the industry. android/apple, etc. and of course web based games as well. armor games, facebook, various browser games like maplestory.. Again, very low system requirements. This is obviously a market that will get bigger before getting smaller.

What sells on PCS?
Strategy, RPGS, causal. they make up something like 80% of PC gaming. while console games are action, shooters, sports are 60% there.

Its not that surprising, then when PC games tend to be highly multiplayer experiences. or causal games. that the graphical bar has been lowered.

The occasional single player rpg being the flag bearer. Skyrim, witcher 2 and 3.

Lowest common denominator also comes into play.
Laptops, etc. Crisis taught everyone a lesson. Build a game that can only play on 45k PC's, and guess how many of that game you will sell. (its not 6million)
WoW, and LoL, minecraft, etc however HAVE taught them. Pushing graphics doesn't translate into sales.

Good graphics are nice. but personally, I'll take Teamfortress 2 over Crisis any day of the week. Granted, there are limits. Diablo3 looked like shit.


PC gaming is a bit anachronistic.
High highs, and low lows.

The "future" of PC gaming then is being pulled in both directions.

on one hand you have indie gaming, which is now making its way onto consoles, but firmly originated on PCs. We'll see how this goes. will consoles steal the thunder here too? Will they migrate to the console pie? I imagine this will largely be determined on how well the marketplaces are run. Gog, Desura, and Steam doing indie games a solid on PC. As well as the ease of crowdfunding via paypal, etc.
But these also are generally notable for very low system specs required.

Casual/social games. Mobile devices are generally included into PC gaming by the industry. android/apple, etc. and of course web based games as well. armor games, facebook, various browser games like maplestory.. Again, very low system requirements. This is obviously a market that will get bigger before getting smaller.

What sells on PCS?
Strategy, RPGS, causal. they make up something like 80% of PC gaming. while console games are action, shooters, sports are 60% there.

Its not that surprising, then when PC games tend to be highly multiplayer experiences. or causal games. that the graphical bar has been lowered.

The occasional single player rpg being the flag bearer. Skyrim, witcher 2 and 3.

Lowest common denominator also comes into play.
Laptops, etc. Crisis taught everyone a lesson. Build a game that can only play on 45k PC's, and guess how many of that game you will sell. (its not 6million)
WoW, and LoL, minecraft, etc however HAVE taught them. Pushing graphics doesn't translate into sales.

Good graphics are nice. but personally, I'll take Teamfortress 2 over Crisis any day of the week. Granted, there are limits. Diablo3 looked like shit.
I don't think you're realising it's not just graphics that have been throttled by consoles it's the breadth and scope of games in general. Look at how much bigger and complex games are looking on the PS4 and Xbone. PC's have had access to all that RAM/CPU/power in general for literally years now and yet no boundaries have been pushed for years when it comes to PC's.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't think you're realising it's not just graphics that have been throttled by consoles it's the breadth and scope of games in general. Look at how much bigger and complex games are looking on the PS4 and Xbone. PC's have had access to all that RAM/CPU/power in general for literally years now and yet no boundaries have been pushed for years when it comes to PC's.
Great point. When the best of show is a no show 3rd iteration of one of the oldest franchises, the next big thing is an updated WoW clone, and the biggest sandbox game coming up is a probably worse UO...something new needs to be pushed. As bad as consoles are for rehashed franchises(so are movies and other forms of entertainment), at least something fresh may be pushed forward. It can't hurt things.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So just saw the extended demo and... whats the deal here? Dont get me wrong, i love a good shooter but nothing here screams next gen. Weve been seeing that shit for over 5 years. Looks like halo with a talent tree on weapons. I mean, really?

Boy did E3 fall low to actually give a nod to games like this. The entire presentation felt... soulless. And god damn do i hate those fake team play communications. ''-aight am taking left''. Like i could freakin care less, this isnt counter-strike level strategies, just fkin gun down whatever you see.

Smells like bungie fandom all over the place from their xbros.

edit, and this aint no mmorpg, wrong forum section big time.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
But what will the levels look like? :p



Silver Squire
We have had large open world games on this gen consoles so its certainly possible to have a large open and varied world even on the ancient tech companies have been developing on. That tells me its not the tech holding us back from good games just the developers are either unable or unwilling to put that much effort in their once a year cash grabs most games have become.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I always hate that FPS diagram because it is so misleading. Yea, games like Doom had huge maps. The maps were also essentially just walls, ceilings, and floors with textures slapped on them. You drew boxes in a CAD-for-Dummies, added triggers where applicable, went into 3d mode to make sure your textures lined up and you raised certain parts just so to make stairs, and voila...a map! Old FPS map design didn't start to get more complex until DN3D hit the scene, IMO.


Avatar of War Slayer
but does adding geometry in the background, you can't even interact with ADD to the game experience?
Like this wolf.

Game devs and art teams are so preoccupied with "more real" they have completely forgotten to ask, "does this add to the game?" photo-realism in animation is not good. its not ideal. The real world is not good at telling stories. nor is it good for playing games.

How does making a more advanced room, then placing chest high walls and INVISIBLE walls everywhere make a better game? oh, look at all that uneven terrain! soooo real. Oh, better put an invisible wall there though, we can't have the player walking on that. it would break our gameplay, or create pathing bugs.

that is a pretty wolf. But man, the time and money spent on that.(your nvidia hardware, AND the dev resources) are we sure that couldn't have been spent elsewhere more useful?

We created more complex and interesting maps back in Doom and Quake BECAUSE all the effort was placed on the playable game world. The limited tools forced us to be creative in gameplay.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Build engine wasn't all that complex over Doom to be honest. It allowed slanted roofs/floors, sector effectors, and had a better lighting solution. More often than not the better maps stuck to the doom formula since a lot of the sector effects in Build were buggy (deleting sectors, and trains come to mind).


Molten Core Raider
If the console versions would support mouse and keyboard, I wouldn't care that much about no PC release. But I'm not getting my hopes up on that.


FPS noob
pre-ordered ps4 version on amazon, got beta code in email in under 15 minutes and all signed up. hope pc version is announced, i'd prefer that

bungie's website is quite nice, really get that "they know what the fuck they are doing" vibe unlike Square Enix or Ubisoft


Molten Core Raider
Everyone complaining about not having a reason to upgrade their video card should try upgrading their display first. A[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */korean will rape even a GTX Titan.
For what ? Games are still designed and implemented for the most part to console specs.

I have been running at 1900x1200 for what 10 years now almost ? Many newer games look better at lower resolution because they are not targeting those high resolution and the textures look like ASS.

Yet another lame ass point to the game industry.. the development on the LCD.


Molten Core Raider
No sure why this is in the MMO section, should probably move it.

Also I can't wait to play a more serious version of Borderlands, I foresee this eating up a lot of my time even if its a 6/10.