I love how there is so much of the game that is more or less "optional", and not in a Bioware sense but in a true "well... shit... I never went there" way. Like most of Golem City and GARM feels optional, since its pretty easy figuring out ways to go around everything. And its been a while since I've played a game where you have to actually choose between mission A or B and once you pick the other one is gone forever. Thats insane! And awesome.
I have save scummed so much though, I can't even imagine doing the "no saves, death = end" game mode. I wonder how long I'll last in that.
Dunno how you guys are flying through the game so fast, I spent all day yesterday just poking around every nook and cranny in one mission, some of them feel so huge. I could never do pacifist first play through, I end up fucking killing all these racist cops who talk shit to me. You want to inspect my pass, HERE IT IS ITS CALLED A COMBAT RIFLE