

brown please <Wow Guild Officer> /brown please
It's funny to think about all the times we scream 'the writers suck! the writers suck!'. Now I feel like the boy who cried wolf. This was the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure of watching. The douche chills mixed with the September air, early winter for me folks.


Vyemm Raider
Well, I can at least appreciate what they were trying to do. A remorseless serial killer who pretends to live like a normal person becomes a normal person haunted by regrets and living like a serial killer.


Best part of the whole episode is dexter, batista and quinn sitting there watching the video where he obviously straight up murders the guy and calmly presses the button and they are like yep self defense.


Blackwing Lair Raider
"I came here to kill you with that pen" Wow. And then the big bad Dexter rival stabs him... in the shoulder.
It's really sad how bad that was :/

The only positive I took away was how calm he was and then the fake emotion "He tried to kill me!". I always loved that he had to fake emotions in the early days. When the show was good.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Best part of the whole episode is dexter, batista and quinn sitting there watching the video where he obviously straight up murders the guy and calmly presses the button and they are like yep self defense.
florida rite?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
So, 8 seasons to see how Dexter becomes a deadbeat dad. Great overall story arc.


Whelp, that was quite easily the most genuinely awful thing that I have ever watched and I have watched some terrible fucking shit in my life.

I am disgusted that someone could write, produce, and air something that fucking stupid.


Well, shit execution. But they were going for the Trinity tie in.

Embedding disabled.

Dexter says he wants to be better than Trinity, to which Trinity responds "you can't control the demon inside of you anymore than I could control mine." Dexter asks: "Did you ever actually try?" Dexter says he is good for his family. Trinity responds: "You're like a child, you dream of a heaven you'll never see." Dexter even alludes to faking his own death and starting over to which Arthur says, "You'll still be you."

Not an awful idea for a Dexter ending, just awful execution as per the shows norm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I watched this after clicking your link. Watching these scenes and the one linked earlier (Dexter's first kill) really reminds you how good this show was and how completely different it is now. It just *feels* different.



Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
The only thing good to come from this show is nick naming my wife's period her Red Passenger. What a disappointment. Would still have sucked but just leaving off final scene would have been an improvement


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Best part of the whole episode is dexter, batista and quinn sitting there watching the video where he obviously straight up murders the guy and calmly presses the button and they are like yep self defense.
Well to be fair, I think they were looking for a way to get Dexter off the hook because that guy shot Deb and made her a veggie. Quinn even says he regrets not being able to do it himself. Batista was more confused about the button thing, but I think he was willing to let it slide (shock?).


Vyemm Raider
Quinn knew what was up and Batista just didn't want it to be true. Dexter didn't give a shit if it held up to scrutiny or not, he only needed to bullshit enough to not get arrested right then and there.

That said, the actual execution of the scene sucked. Pretty much how I feel about the whole thing - the ideas weren't terrible, but the writing was ugh. Couldn't they have found a windy day to film the boat scene?

/tinfoilhat or they just wanted an ending that would create an outcry for more Dexter so they can revisit the character a few years down the road with a bigger budget and give fans a real ending, be it a happy ride off into the sunset or accidentally sawing off his own leg with a chainsaw.

The way they left it could almost be a reboot - Dexter back to an emotionless killer, only now he doesn't give a shit about pretending to be normal and he's the first guy on everyone's list when bodies turn up. Dexter as a real monster again, at least for a time. Maybe have him questioning why he even bothers to stick to the code. Until at some point whatever happens and he's hit rock bottom and decides he's punished himself enough. Harry's code protected him but not the people around him and was that really his fault? He should have been locked away not fucking trained to kill people.

You have to laugh though. I mean, his wife gets carved up and its his fault and he hardly gives a shit. But his sister takes a bullet and he turns into a goddamn basket case deadbeat dad?


Well to be fair, I think they were looking for a way to get Dexter off the hook because that guy shot Deb and made her a veggie. Quinn even says he regrets not being able to do it himself. Batista was more confused about the button thing, but I think he was willing to let it slide (shock?).
Ya i wasn't saying he fooled them. It was more like they look at it, then they look at each other and are like fuck it that guy deserved it lol


Blackwing Lair Raider
The way they left it could almost be a reboot - Dexter back to an emotionless killer, only now he doesn't give a shit about pretending to be normal and he's the first guy on everyone's list when bodies turn up. Dexter as a real monster again, at least for a time. Maybe have him questioning why he even bothers to stick to the code. Until at some point whatever happens and he's hit rock bottom and decides he's punished himself enough. Harry's code protected him but not the people around him and was that really his fault? He should have been locked away not fucking trained to kill people.
Yeah seemed ripe for a reboot.

I would say one of the best parts of Dexter was that he had to fake it. His reality as a sociopath with no emotion and the inner monologues he had when he was with Rita or whoever... saying she loved him or telling him some emotional nonsense. It was great to see him just flounder around for what the "human" thing to say would be. Then you'd see him in a kill room totally at ease and in his element. It was so much fun to watch.


Vyemm Raider
And then the kid he saw about 30 minutes a day, his sister finding out about him and one sweet assed blonde turned him into an emotional trainwreck? Get the fuck out. First stop in the TARDUS is to go back to S5 and slap them all silly.