I don't think Diablo on mobile is a bad idea. It was just announced in the absolute shittiest way possible. Look at Fallout Shelter. It's a mobile game, but it's actually a fun take on a loved franchise. But when they announced it, they also announced Fallout 4, so it was a bonus to make Fallout 4 announcement even better. Had they even had some Diablo 4 teaser CGI with some fire and Diablo's eyes, and a D4 logo or something, followed by the mobile announcement, it would have went a shitload better. Even if the game is nowhere near being ready, they could have given a few tidbits. I highly doubt this game is in replacement to an actual PC game. That is still in development, and this is done by some chinese company. It's just a side mobile game. Should have never been announced as the grand finale at Blizzcon though.
I'm trying to look at the mobile game itself with an open mind. Yes the blizzcon shit sucked, but I'm willing to give the game a try. Being able to play some Diablo at work or on the shitter or waiting for an appointment etc, would be nice... but that should be IN ADDITION to a good PC game, not a replacement. I'd love to be able to farm loot on mobile that I could use on my PC character, but Blizz would never be innovative enough to do that. I will try this game, and I hope it is enjoyable and not trashed down with tons of IAPs. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, because really, Hearthstone on phones doesnt do ads or nickel and dime you, so as long as Blizz stays like this, it could be enjoyable.
What I am tired of is all these remakes and vanilla. All I see is "pay us more to do what you've already done before". They made models and levels and an engine for the new WC3 remake, why not just make new characters and a new story? It's lazy imo. I get people love D2, but the whole remake shit seems like a waste to me. I've played it a million fucking times, and yes playing it with a shinier coat would be cool, for a few days, but in the end it's still just Diablo 2. I'd rather have a legit D4. It will come, and I imagine they are taking their sweet time with it after the shit launch of D3. But Blizzard officially no longer gets the benefit of the doubt from me, they are now judged with a healthy dose of skepticism like pretty much all other AAA devs now days.
hes right.This genre of mobile game does the worst out of all the others though. They didn’t even pick a good option.
You know what would work for a blizzard mobile game? Heroes of the Storm as a gacha game.
These “skill” arpg games are always garbage.
I have a hunch before Blizzcon is over, they are going to announce D4 or some other Diablo project as damage control. Even if it's just a verbal announcement.
They didn't announce the game we wanted them to announce. It sucks sure, but whatever, it's not like they've turned the diablo franchise to mobile only or are devoting a huge amount of resources to this.
I'll jump off the Blizzard train when they stop supporting old games and start releasing yearly rehashes.
The presentation HAD to be, "hey Mobile gamers, now the action of Diablo is coming to YOU". instead they said, "hey pc gamers, now you can play diablo on your phone!" Which is just a monumentally, stupid presentation.
How absolutely DARE you guys for questioning Blizzard?? Fucking toxic gamerzz!!View attachment 181570
A better way of handling that Q&A session would probably be a) acknowledge the dedicated Diablo PC fanbase and understand why that may be a disappointment to them b) transition into trying to "sell" the mobile platform...say that while we are trying to reach a larger audience, we want feedback from our core fanbase and we'd like you to try it. Tell us what you enjoy about it, what you'd like to see, etc c) Reassure them that they are still committed to the Diablo universe and want to explore various platforms, but it doesn't mean that PC will never see a Diablo game again.
However, thinking of that can be hard when you have a mob /w pitchforks sitting in front of you lol![]()
Yes, there is something to be said about that. go look at the first 10 pages of the Hearthstone thread. But, there is also a difference between a CCG, which at the time showed insane potential with puzzle and dragons, and the like on mobile devices. Everyone here would still be flipping out over an Idle Diablo on mobile. but that shit would also make fucking BANK.
Seriously, I've been having discussions on the potential of Idle/clicker games. the similarities with Sims. rimworld/oxygen not included/citys:skylines,etc. there are many games that play themselves while you accrue taxes/resources. Then look at Idle heroes.. and Diablo/path of exile. imagine a poe/diablo, that chains maps for you, and character spams attacks, with hordes of npcs charging at you. with builds based on loot drops. idle/clicker games have a huge gap for tactical advancement.
Idle Diablo could be amazing.
This is clicker heroes 2. Tell me you can't reskin this into Diablo or PoE. (With poe I would add tons more mechanical growth. instead of exponential stats, with gold gain, I would full on make it loot based. gear would have the gains.)
But, we also have to consider certain games are just shit on mobile. arpgs are one of them. skyim mobile. no. fuck no.
hes right.
The other major problem was presentation.
"you all have phones right?" holy shit was that some bad pr. xbox one, "you all have internet right?"
The presentation HAD to be, "hey Mobile gamers, now the action of Diablo is coming to YOU". instead they said, "hey pc gamers, now you can play diablo on your phone!" Which is just a monumentally, stupid presentation.
How absolutely DARE you guys for questioning Blizzard?? Fucking toxic gamerzz!!View attachment 181570
have you not played an idler/clicker before? cookieclicker, etc. idle champions of the forgotten realmsI must be missing something...I watched that video and tried to figure out what was "being played." Its like you just sat down with the skilltree and that's...it? Wait and fill in the path?
* Drinks some soymilk* Also, this appears to propagate the horrors of late stage capitalism. White supremacists such as yourself would eventually clammor for a game with a black antagonist where he farms the land and his wealthy white male controller pockets the fruits of his labor to progress his farm. Filthy racist. *spits out soymilk*
have you not played an idler/clicker before? cookieclicker, etc. idle champions of the forgotten realms
Efficiency managers more or less. you manage cooldowns, can also click usually for dps. exponential growth. newgame++ usually. But yes, the game itself auto-plays. They are more akin to SIM games. And yes, skinner boxes for constant rewards.
check this out for free, for a bit. yes, you'll probably get tired of it quick. but, its pretty clear the basis for a real game is there. particularly, as I noted, when you consider something like Rimworld. and how much time you spend in something like THAT, in x3 speed, letting its PLAY ITSELF. If these idlers had more tactical choice in the same way something like a Rimworld does, they would be real solid money making games. an arpg Idler is somewhere in the future.
an arpg Idler is somewhere in the future.
yeah, and to be honest. you will probably hate it. These games are majorly lacking. massive money grabs, riddled with pay to progress, etc. My point is not, these games are good now. My point is, these games have potential. "the game plays itself, its shit" is a bad argument, when there are tons of sims that play themselves.I'll check it out, but honestly? I have never played that genre. I could see something of Simcity there, which would be the last great sim i played.
The only way it would've gone over well was if they announced D4 AND immortal. But they didn't. This was their big showcase.
Announcing d4 before end of show? I seriously doubt it. Don't be retarded. They blew their wad.