The complexity is one of the things that appeals to me, I know that isn't for everyone, for me being the clueless noob figuring shit out in a game is half the fun. With PoE I don't have to just do maps forever, can switch it up and do some delve. Delve is so bloody addictive for me, I can't explain it, MOAR SULPHITE is all I know. The complex crafting system is pretty good too. Blew my mind when I figured out I could mod chests in the world, I felt dumb that I hadn't figured it out sooner. Meh enough about PoE from me, it's almost like comparing apples & oranges.
Just wish Blizz had put a little more passion into this game, I'd have zero problem buying a new DLC 2-3 times a year if it meant new content/items/game modes, and FFS bring back player trading! I get the RMAH was a clusterfuck, but don't completely remove a part of the game that's always been an integral to the series. I don't expect Diablo to be complex, but after multiple seasons, shit is stale.