Avarice is prolly the easiest. UE is amazing for it. Swap Witching Hour for Goldwrap, swap out Powerful/ Trapped for a lvl25+ Boon of the Hoarder Gem and roll with the Avarice Band (from act 3 bounty cache) in Cube. Any other goldfind is just bonus. Warzechain bracers and Tactical Advantage passive help a lot for movement speed.
This is basically also my DH speedfarm yellow rift build, with the goldwrap you are basically unkillable as long as you are making gold.
First T13 map that is wide open will prolly get it for you, dont even need a gilded baron. Just trace the edges and then start filling in swathes of the center as you keep your gold streak going. Avoid any risky dead ends that might lose the streak.