Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Molten Core Raider
this buff has been great, finished jade/zuni sets, got my SMK, trifecta ele % dmg ammy and a bunch of other shit, they should nerf the droprate just a tad, and then keep it for live imo, sure stuff was dropping more, but it sadly was just more of the garbage we see everyday, maybe tweak individual drop rates instead.


Pretty much. I honestly dont know how I'm gonna be able to play after the buff is gone. Even with the buff I'm not getting shit, but at least its tolerable to see more legs dropping.

I'm averaging about 2-3 legs a run. Before the buff I was getting about 1 every 2 runs. Shits gonna be miserable lol.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
The buff was somewhat noticeable, but still had times where going through several rifts resulted in 0 legendaries.

It is interesting when you see numerous different results that others are having. You have some people receiving absolutely minimal legendaries (like the 100% buff never took place), then you have some people that through the whole day are swimming in legs/sets. Makes you wonder if RNG is truly RNG with this game and there isn't some bad coding going on where a person will inherently have better drop rates throughout the day. Just a head-scratcher as to why there is either feast or famine, never an inbetween it seems. Just my observation...

I am jealous of the people that got set pieces, some even finished out 2 whole sets this weekend (looking at you Teck; fucking hate you). Wish the "RNG" Gods blessed me like that!


Molten Core Raider
The buff was somewhat noticeable, but still had times where going through several rifts resulted in 0 legendaries.

It is interesting when you see numerous different results that others are having. You have some people receiving absolutely minimal legendaries (like the 100% buff never took place), then you have some people that through the whole day are swimming in legs/sets. Makes you wonder if RNG is truly RNG with this game and there isn't some bad coding going on where a person will inherently have better drop rates throughout the day. Just a head-scratcher as to why there is either feast or famine, never an inbetween it seems. Just my observation...

I am jealous of the people that got set pieces, some even finished out 2 whole sets this weekend (looking at you Teck; fucking hate you). Wish the "RNG" Gods blessed me like that!
I think they are gonna see the number of people that we inactive and logged on this weekend just for the buff, that they will have to do something once they see the numbers drop to dog shit probably even more so cause now ppl got their full sets or whatever.

I think they will give another buff to legs, hopefully not just legs but the individual godly items, maybe bump em a tiny bit more.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It seems like every time I switch characters, that character gets a legendary or set item nearly instantly in a rift. Also I think people are underestimating destructables/clicky loot, I had a rift where I got 3 legendaries and 2 were from those.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No matter how fast I/we are moving, I try to destroy everything and open every container. I do see more than a fair share of legendaries coming from those sources.


It is interesting when you see numerous different results that others are having. You have some people receiving absolutely minimal legendaries (like the 100% buff never took place), then you have some people that through the whole day are swimming in legs/sets. Makes you wonder if RNG is truly RNG with this game and there isn't some bad coding going on where a person will inherently have better drop rates throughout the day. Just a head-scratcher as to why there is either feast or famine, never an inbetween it seems. Just my observation...
RNG can be all over the place...

I've gotten 1 leg/rift to a few to a lot. Ran one solo T1 rift earlier that gave 4 legs (two of the SAME shit sword one drop apart and 2 of the same shit spear), 2 souls and a shit green.

Beyond that, I have the notion is that this is where drops should be in the first place, or they should tighten up the stat % roll so we get far fewer shit legs and more set items.

I haven't gotten a single upgrade in weeks on my wizard. ;(


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I also got 3 legendaries on Friday night that had other class skills on them... which I thought wouldn't happen because of "smart loot" but it still is.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
you mad a bot can play better than you? btw theres at least 8 ppl in the clan that bot, not that you or deathwing would know, being so stuck on my ass and all
I'm well aware people bot and in and of itself that does not bother me.

People who are asshats and think they're smarter than they really are, bother me. Hence my dislike for you.

You make statements like 'I am better than you', when you have no data to back that up. It's like you're in grade school or something.


<Bronze Donator>
I also got 3 legendaries on Friday night that had other class skills on them... which I thought wouldn't happen because of "smart loot" but it still is.
Smart loot is 85% of the time. Sucks I got my first non Blackthorne's/Invoker today and it was the DH 4 piece chest, but it is possible.

Drop rate still isn't nearly high enough. Even streamers are giving up on gearing more than one character. I have absolutely zero desire to slog through the time required to gear an alt. Playing alts is like ARPG 101 and they're screwing it up big time. I shouldn't be mad I got a DH set piece on my crusader. Or an INT (socketless)SoH, but half of that is item/class design. I think that weapon is only good for monks and barbs.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, there's no way I'll play after the buff wears off. Not until they increase this to the "normal" drop rate or make smart loot "smarter". There is an absolute plethora of horrible legendaries. I'm up to 70+ now and the +7 STR shoulders are still the only upgrade I've found.


Started farming T4 hardcore and i must say this game keeps suprising me. Now our groups are mostly people in full class set with 1 or 2 bonuses, and this changes everything in term of builds, cynergies and play style. Really enjoyable how things evolve from one tier to the other. I can see us moving to T5 pretty soon, not sure about T6 tho
I just wish there were some special unique legendaries for every torment level to make things more interesting.


Log Wizard
This buff is probably about 20-30% higher than it should be all the time. I had almost back-to-back rifts with 5+ legendaries in each at T4. That's fucking 10+ legendaries for less than 30 minutes time. That ain't right for permanent.


This buff is probably about 20-30% higher than it should be all the time. I had almost back-to-back rifts with 5+ legendaries in each at T4. That's fucking 10+ legendaries for less than 30 minutes time. That ain't right for permanent.
And I did 6 rifts with only 3 legendaries total. RNG is RNG man.


Molten Core Raider
I'm well aware people bot and in and of itself that does not bother me.

People who are asshats and think they're smarter than they really are, bother me. Hence my dislike for you.

You make statements like 'I am better than you', when you have no data to back that up. It's like you're in grade school or something.
oh ok, cause I totally try to be that guy that knows everything, I doubt I ever said "im better than you" I most def said you're trash and will be stuck in t1-2 forever.

regardless bro you get ass hurt when someone does not play the game the way you do, you go around asking people why they leave the clan so often yadda yadda not your business dumb ass let people fucking live, you are not the rerolled police.

regardless what kind of pussy honestly reports someone, in their clan. regardless of how much I hate deathwing im not that much of a dickless coward, Wakandans be jelly.


Yea I'm gonna have to side with Teck on this one. Mudcrush is a total fucking asshole in clan chat.

I logged in the other night and asked if anyone wanted to do t3 rifts with me, and Mudcrush spouts out that I should stick to t1, and that he'd bet any money that its 'highly fucking unlikely' that I can even clear t2 fast and I should take his advice like hes gods gift to gaming. This was totally out of the blue and my first time even seeing this guy and hes acting like a massive faggot. I promptly told him to fuck off and he then started pouting acting like a victim. LOL. Unreal.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Holy shit you ladies are all on your periods. There is no need for Diablo 3 drama you hookers, other than bitching about why the game is still in such a sorry state.