Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Silver Donator>
Oh thank fuck, you get Salvage All at Level 1 now.
Not in story, for whatever fucked up reason. I noticed when I was doing the leoric crown shit, had to manually salvage everything which I forgot was even a thing.

Been pretty lucky so far with drops, kinda. I got a really cool Suwong Diviner as my first legendary 70 weapon, which is a massive damage boost to acid cloud which rounds out the basic WD entry build nicely and jumped straight to T2(I was doing T1 while leveling it was fairly easy). Then got 2pc Arachyr, which again is a good boost in damage so jumped to T4 right away. Then since I had legendaries in every main armor slot I started gambling for more set pieces and somehow got full Arachyr with almost nothing of the other sets.

Kinda sucks it's not the strong set(then again it could be jade, I got like 3jade shoulders ugh) but if I can get my hands on the majuma weapon set, I'll be doing torment VII bounties at the speed of light. Kinda hard to get though, but I guess I'll start upgrading ceremonial knives and gamble mojos. Or maybe I should gamble bracers to get the firebats bracers for more general use, not sure yet. Using Rheno Flayer exploding toads for now, kills stuff nicely but I'm too squishy.


2 Minutes Hate
Before logging last night I tried getting a level 60 weapon with a delevel stat. Ahitbis expensive as fuck. Managed to get a -8 level one though. Meh. Leveling is fast enough.


<Silver Donator>
Stupid Sage set is apparently not in the bounty reward table or something, didn't get any recipe in the last 2 bounties I did but still missing that one. I want it to farm Death Breaths with but it's being annoying.


Trump's Staff
Clans/communities down in-game or something? I'm tagged but have no chat, can't see anyone online etc. Anyway, level 35 Barb will be leveling for a few hours this morning, would love to group if this fixes itself.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was up and down a lot last night so didn't want to waste anyone's time grouping up, will try and look some people up today. Pretty stoked I got a Gungdo already to feed the cube, I really liked the Uliana's build I was starting to build before season started.


<Silver Donator>
It is. I've got it.
Hmm weird, bounties stopped dropping stuff. Maybe they don't drop set plans all the time or whatever. I'll need to do another round I guess, maybe on T6 see if it's based on the difficulty or some shit. Actually, that might have been the issue since I "ran out" when I was doing bounties for a friend.

Side note, WD is really cool now. Love how it plays, the sets are nice and powerful, multiple viable builds, it's great. It's especially fun because unlike some other more limited classes, until you have your endgame shit, you can mix and match various parts and it actually works well. I went through a bunch of variations of skills and legendary affixes to boost them and stuff, doesn't feel as boring and it feels like random stuff that drops might actually be useful rather than "oh god please give me more set pieces cause everything else is garbage shit I need my 6pc to do anything". Though everything not WD specific is still mostly garbage.


Toe Sucker
Anybody else have issues with the load screen just stalling after awhile, randomly?

Also.. Kanai cube is cool as fuck. Even while leveling i get excited to get something whack like the unique that makes chakram a generator and shit like that just so i can use it regardless if i wanted to.


Murder Apologist
Yeah my guild all ran off to make season chars but I keep get getting distracted with new cube ideas to theorycraft.


2 Minutes Hate
Playing a Wizard, almost 70 now.

Been leveling with a normal Force Wave build. Then at 62 I started messing with some other builds

Arcane Torment + Black Hole is fucking lulzy. Real fun. But then I tried some build with Disintegrate.Wizard - Game Guide - Diablo III

I'm using a more offensive build since I haven't needed any defensive stuff in T1 at level 66ish yet.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finished GR20 and it won't let me pick up any loot (and don't get the gem upgrades) -> disconnect. Now I'm in a queue.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Got a seasonal WD up to pretty good gear, lucked out with a near perfect smk w/ about 3k damage and 2 piece zuni/5 piece helltooth with rrog cubed.

Around grift 45 is where time just starts to become challenging to keep up with damage using wall (zombie surround) & acid cloud (expansive one). Anyone find a better combo thus far?


<Silver Donator>
The lock up stuff is ATI related, their new drivers+win10 bugs out or some shit, there's a giant thread about it on the forums, it can be fixed.