So do we have a Clan or Community set up?
Yeah, i was using a Tragoul's build that included mages and it was pretty good but spent so much time just casting stupid mages. Made the change to bone armor and now feel like i am playing easy mode.The mage mechanic on the rathma set is also idiotic. Spending 5 seconds standing still every 10 seconds just summoning 10 mages and then having to get essence back to do it all over again... really dumb. Mages should last 15 seconds and have a cap of like 4.
You need all 10 out to make Rathma's work. Look at the 6 piece text. It's really retarded.You shouldn't need to cast that many that often. They're still kinda dumb, especially since they're blocked by LoS.
The mage mechanic on the rathma set is also idiotic. Spending 5 seconds standing still every 10 seconds just summoning 10 mages and then having to get essence back to do it all over again... really dumb. Mages should last 15 seconds and have a cap of like 4.
Yeah, the circle of nailujs evol helps, but it still feels like way too much clicking to maintain and do anything else, especially considering how good the bone armor set is.Need the item that summons two at a time for that build to start shining.
depends on the build.... i was using a Targoul's build that included mages, either way it's not an overly fun mechanic.Summoning mages and revives IS what the build is supposed to do.
And that's why it's a shit set based on a shit spell mechanically.Summoning mages and revives IS what the build is supposed to do.