Nah,mainly play seasonal. I played on normal when the necro launched to try it out and was able to hit GR 74 with no ancients on two different necro builds: bone armor (nerfed but could still do 72 with the gear he had) and Tra'goul's, just took all the of the needed pieces for the build i was using and well leveled legendary gems.I take it most/all of you play Normal? I've never been able to get invested in that, it just feels so boring and lacking in any danger/weight; I've always done Hardcore. My Necro is doing GR55's with only the very occasional passive-pop scare, but his gear is zero Ancients and pretty terribly optimized. Rathma, Endless Walk, etc.
Gotta figure out what can increase my survivability such that I can manage higher GR's, and then I have to figure out how to do some of these conquests. Enchanted Ancients are an obvious upgrade, but I think I need another source of % dmg redux somehow. Maybe I'll use that leg gem that gives %redux to non-phys damage. Not a huge fan of the concept of conquests so far, at least being a requirement for stash tab. Tried a few last season (only came back to this game like 3 weeks before S10 end), and it seemed like you had to game them pretty hardcore (the time trials), or level/gear TONS on multiple chars for stuff like the Master 8 sets one.
Still plan to do my best to get a stash tab this season though.
I was clearing faster with the Trag Blood set using blood mages than my bone armor build pre bone armor/minirae nerf, just had to be careful because i was a lot squishier.Rathma set for Necro feels pretty good if you can get your mages out and stay alive. I noticed last night in my 42 minutes Grift 70 clear, that if u stayed alive and had even just 4-6 mages out, stuff was dying fast.
Targ Blood set, using Blood mages feels like it's lacking a lot of damage, but extremely safe. You very very easily have 10 mages out all the time but I didn't feel things were dying very fast even with all the mages.
Bone Storm Inarius set felt like the most damage of all the ones that I've built so far, but it felt terrible to play. Extremely clunky, but that may of been just lack of experience with the build. I never knew if I was supposed to scything stuff or just corpse lance shit to death. Both seemed to work.
Next set I hope to find and build is the Targ's Blood corpse lance build.
I really wish Diablo fans would have reset the counters for the builds when season dropped. Tons of those builds are rated so highly long before things were finalized on the PTR.
Playing seasonal hardcore if anyone wants to join from time to time. Completed solo Grift 70 last night on my necro using inarius.
I think I'm going to give Blood Mages build another try and see how well it does.I was clearing faster with the Trag Blood set using blood mages than my bone armor build pre bone armor/minirae nerf, just had to be careful because i was a lot squishier.
I really like the Rathma mage build overall. I'd quit instantly if I thought there was any chance I'd have to switch to worst-build-ever, I don't care how powerful it is.Rathma set for Necro feels pretty good if you can get your mages out and stay alive. I noticed last night in my 42 minutes Grift 70 clear, that if u stayed alive and had even just 4-6 mages out, stuff was dying fast.
I wish it was just rings.Unless you're Vorph. Dude seems to have the worst luck
I really like the Rathma mage build overall. I'd quit instantly if I thought there was any chance I'd have to switch to worst-build-ever, I don't care how powerful it is.
Except for one thing: I have a huge problem with whoever thought it was a good idea to make Necro cheat death kill all your minions. It's not even a 10% heal per minion, it's just a lol-fuck-you and even if my potion is up it's about 50/50 that I still die immediately after the 4 seconds is up. I've never played any class/build before that can so easily cascade one death into 4 or 5 because the ramp-up time for getting things under control is so long. You have to slowly churn out skeletons, which can't actually kill anything themselves, then command them to attack so they at least start freezing stuff, then try to build up enough essence to start casting mages. All while having half your normal hp because you also lose your 50 stacks when you die. I usually end up having to burn Land of the Dead if I want to keep the death count at 1.
I wish it was just rings.I'd give up but I made it to GR68 in spite of everything, so I guess it's worth it to push through to the end of the journey. At least this time I won't end up with everything done except for TX in 2 minutes and then never get my stash tab, since you can just do GR75 and 50M gold for Conquests.
Yeah, I'm using that build too -- Rathma Faceroll Summoner GR100+ (new video GR100) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds - Diablo Fans I cannot get two skills to numlock at once though, so I'm not sure how much that is affecting my progress, if at all.For pushing GR's i swapped to simulacrum / land of the dead. Saw a guy doing 90s with that setup and sure enough I pushed to 83 without too much effort. It lets you recover from a death pretty easily as either land or simulacrum alone will just let you wreck stuff.
Meh just use autohotkey or mouse/keyboard macro software. Just have devour macro'd now.Yeah, I'm using that build too -- Rathma Faceroll Summoner GR100+ (new video GR100) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds - Diablo Fans I cannot get two skills to numlock at once though, so I'm not sure how much that is affecting my progress, if at all.
Still don't have T&T or the Krysbin ring though. I'm having to make do with CoE, some random ring, and an almost perfect Ouroboros because my Haunted Visions is trash and I've gotten 6 Compass Rose and 0 Traveler's Pledge. No ancient scythe yet either.
Do you use Esoteric or Zei for gem #3?
Game has way too many shitty bugs/server issues to take hardcore seriously IMO.