Yep. Drops are kinda slow at lower Torments, and then by the time you get to the top, Torment 13, shit's just raining down from the sky.
Bounties and regular Rifts are both going to be "meh" experience when you get into the higher Paragon levels. The real experience is going to come from doing Greater Rifts. You can very easily be 400+ Paragon points in a few days depending on what you're doing.
This is a game that benefits from doing your homework/research. This Season 13 is different, but normally every season has gear changes. They change around all the shit, and new builds emerge, old builds turn shitty, etc. It's always been a fun part of the game to look up these builds (, and watch videos, and then see about making the same build in game. Then when you try it out and it works, and you're killing shit like crazy, it's a lot of fun. But be careful. Lord Fluffy, a D3 streamer, made a good point. He said that tons of people get into D3 for the first time, go look up what's the best builds, or top characters/class, and then they get in game and do a little farming and make this top build, and it doesn't work, they get mad, and quit.
It's common for us to look up what's the best, and try and replicate it, but the best "push" build, a build used to push the highest difficulty Greater Rifts possible, isn't going to do very well when doing lower level content such as what you would be doing just coming into the game and starting to farm gear. What you want is a "speed" build, which is designed to do "lower" content, very fast. This is typically in the range of Torment 13 regular Rifts, and anywhere from Greater Rift 60-90. Using a speed build to burn through this content is what Diablo ends up being all about. Shower yourself in loot, and hope RNG is on your side, but it's a fun time, especially if you can get in with any friends that also are playing.