Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just like PoE, once I explode when touched by a monster is the second I rage quit that season. I just don't find the games fun anymore when you can hardly survive monsters farting on you.

Using Tal Rasha meteor build now and can probably push higher but feel no reason to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just like PoE, once I explode when touched by a monster is the second I rage quit that season. I just don't find the games fun anymore when you can hardly survive monsters farting on you.

Using Tal Rasha meteor build now and can probably push higher but feel no reason to.
This sums up their end game. Eventually you will hit a point where white mobs one shot you, either your damage is enough to insta kill them and you play the on-rails game or its not and you are done.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
We are introducing changes to Paragon Points to work in tandem with Solo Self Found and the Season 29 theme. You can only assign a total of 800 Paragon Points to your character. Previously, you were only able to assign a total of 50 Paragon Points to each attribute within the Core, Defense, Offense, and Utility categories, but now you can assign up to 200 in each attribute. Each category can only have 200 Paragon Points placed into them.
Season 29: Visions of Enmity
Nephalem Level 1 or higher have a chance at encountering a Diabolical Fissure by slaying demons in the open world. Should your smiting of hellspawn trigger a Fissure, press onward and into a Vision of Enmity—what horrors await on the other side are unknown, but these instances are rich in rewards. The Visions are quite unstable and have the potential to produce additional Fissures after enemies are dispatched inside—keep an eye out for these opportunities to maximize your chance of earning useful gear.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The features speak for themselves.

D4 has nothing going on besides mediocre moment to moment combat that is in actuality, not better than D3 at the moment-- without additional tuning to animations and missile speed et al. Whirlwind vs whirlwind. No brainer D3 wins handily. Arrows, and so forth.
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Trakanon Raider
I'll admit it, I love D3. It's the game I always end up going back to. I think I have only not played one season due to it being absolutely unfun. I am struggling to stay interested in D4; the autist in me just wants to complete S1, so I keep logging in. This season of D3 is looking great, SSF is how I already play, so the timing it perfect. I can suffer through the remainder of my D4 chores, and then go back to D3 for some actual fun.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Interesting they mention s30, I had read that s29 was going to be the last season with anything in it and then they'd recycle things. Concept sounds pretty fun, being able to stack 200% in one mod instead of 50/each could be entertaining. Good way to slam attack speed, but guessing crit/crit damage will still be king for that.


<Bronze Donator>
Players made that assumption with D4 releasing soon and the retarded amount of power creep being dumped into S29. I don't recall Blizzard confirming that S29 was the last.

Seems like a copy of PoE's Abyss. I think they aped Rampage previously. Maybe they'll copy some good leagues eventually.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah probably was just a random article a blue hair wrote, don't remember if it was bliz or not. Doesn't really make much sense for them to put time and energy into d3 though when they actually have monetization in d4. Weird choice


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Fergusson said season 29 would be the last and that 30 onward would be repeats awhile back during a d4 interview when he was asked about it. Glad they are making the alter a permanent addition.


<Silver Donator>
I'm hoping the D3 devs are just salty towards the D4 team and are sitting around thinking up ways to make them seem even more incompetent.
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Potato del Grande
I'm hoping the D3 devs are just salty towards the D4 team and are sitting around thinking up ways to make them seem even more incompetent.
May be a Warcraft 3 Reforged situation (they put the socially ostracised employees in a closet, gave them no support then rushed them to a deadline).

The Diablo 3 team may unfashionable but competent stright white men who are fans of ARPGs while Diablo 4 is the trendy new queer employees.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm hoping the D3 devs are just salty towards the D4 team and are sitting around thinking up ways to make them seem even more incompetent.
When I first read about the season, thats immediately what came to mind.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
While on a 64 Normal run to get the cube Raxx got the seasonal portal. Smaller segments of existing maps with hordes of blue elites every 5 levels, final one had a large treasure chest with bounty mats and legendaries. Be interesting to see how much you get on T16



Blackwing Lair Raider
Looks like GR 3.0, just with 1 room a piece full of possibly shit, possibly good. If they can RNG into a goblin horde, that'd be cool.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
S28 ends Sep 10th, most likely S29 on Sep 15th
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Time unravels before your very eyes in Season 29 Visions of Enmity, which goes live on September 15 at 5 p.m. PDT/CET/KST
  • Barbarian: Might of the Earth
  • Crusader: Thorns of the Invoker
  • Demon Hunter: The Shadow’s Mantle
  • Monk: Monkey King’s Garb
  • Necromancer: Grace of Inarius
  • Witch Doctor: Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • Wizard: Firebird’s Finery
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Demon slayers seeking to up the intensity of their journey through Sanctuary can try out the new Solo Self Found mode. In this mode, you’ll only have yourself to rely on to overcome the hordes from Hell. That’s right, it’s a single player experience. If you’d like to up the ante even more, a Hardcore version of this mode is available.

We decided to bring Solo Self Found, an officially supported single player mode, to Diablo III. Without the experience bonus from being in a Party, or other players to protect your back as you carve through demonic legions, this mode will test you. To celebrate the accomplishments of those brave enough to roll a character in this mode, we have also created specific Leaderboards for Solo Self Found, which function like those for other modes.


  • Movement Speed: We changed Movement Speed to 0.125% per point because the old value would have provided players with 100% Movement Speed, which was too much. Players now have the option to place points into this stat, allowing them to surpass 25% Movement Speed from item bonuses.
  • Area Damage: Area Damage should perform the same, if not a bit better, and with substantial improvements to performance.
  • 25-50% chance to cluck when attacking.
  • Casting Hex - Angry Chicken turns all your pets into exploding chickens. Chickens deal 150-200% increased damage, and Angry Chicken deals 50% more damage per exploded chicken.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not many playing this season, given the lack of altar QoL that's not surprising. Not sure if Visages will be a more permanent thing but scaled back since right now they are a 1% spawn after a monster kill and any zone with hoards of zombies or critters practically guarantees one. Was super weird getting Death's Breaths from the Visages at low level, plus multiple rift guardians in there so you have GR keys before you hit 70. More movement speed from gear, especially boots with limited options, is nice but the paragon nerf was very unnecessary.

edit: Bounty mats are the most plentiful resource so you will be rolling your offset crafted gear until ancient / primal very early. Reforging will be limited only by the number of forgotten souls for main gear, death's breath and GR keys from Visages are also plentiful so your limitations will be gold and white/blue/yellow materials.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
We welcome you to the Diablo III Patch 2.7.7 PTR. From December 5–12, we’ll need your help in testing balance changes for all Classes and 2 returning Season themes that are being permanently added to the game for Seasonal mode—Rites of Sanctuary and Visions of Enmity.

Altar powers will return but at reduced levels. Many set bonus adjustments, but some nerfs. Soul shards from S25 are dropping on PTR but there's no mention of them so it's unknown if they are meant to be included.