Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


FPS noob
pc CE is $20 at fry's electronics today and tomorrow, can check if any near you have in stock with link below

i paid $35 at best buy a month ago and haven't even opened it


Lord Nagafen Raider
i would do crusader personally, wiz is boring (at least to me) just running around clicking blizzardd and waiting for the vyr dot to kill stuff.

Bout monk and sunwuuko, this is my monk atmYui - Community - Diablo III, as you see i do use sun +inna + bt. Works for me tbh, and there is no much issue to spamm clones. eventually if u wanna spamm faster can always add wave of lights. On my build for example could replace serenity, its just that i very much love serenity on high lvl grift, cool down is short, and give me extra safety net.


Murder Apologist
Int Furnace would be bis for WD too actually. Assuming you have a jade-geared WD and you rolled that furnace for your wiz, you could just swap it over to your jadedoc and start tearing up gr38+

I've run furnace fb6 wiz and its a very fun build but maximus is more interesting IMO. Jadedoc is efficient but I've never been a fan so I never really tried to get past 37 at all. Dunno about saders since I can't stand mine but I'm still short the flying dragon on my swk holy build.


<Bronze Donator>
I recently got a Furnace that I'm going to gift and throw on either my crusader or wizard. Which class makes more sense?
It rolled great stats that rerolling between str and int is your best choice?

i would do crusader personally, wiz is boring (at least to me) just running around clicking blizzardd and waiting for the vyr dot to kill stuff.

Bout monk and sunwuuko, this is my monk atmYui - Community - Diablo III, as you see i do use sun +inna + bt. Works for me tbh, and there is no much issue to spamm clones. eventually if u wanna spamm faster can always add wave of lights. On my build for example could replace serenity, its just that i very much love serenity on high lvl grift, cool down is short, and give me extra safety net.
WoL is a dps loss unless you're absolutely overflowing with spirit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was mentioning Bol in case of having inna + spirit overflow, thats it. I like the way it plays for me with spamming mantras only. Works pretty decently.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I really liked the blackthornes with an arcane immunity neck last night, it negated almost all damage on T6 and I just cant use the Sunwoko neck and instead used the helm.

Am I going about the seasons wrong with grinding gear in normal rifts to max? Should I switch to GRifts and level gems from now on since I only need select items? My profile is in sig if you have any advice.


Murder Apologist
I haven't bothered with seasons at all, but as far as grinding gems out I wouldn't prioritise it too much since they rank up quick when you do grifts with your guildies/friends. Unless you're super-casual and do only a grift a day or something you'll rank up all your gems to 35+ in about as much time as it takes to farm the keys to get a decent hellfire ammy roll. If you only focus on a few gems it's much faster than that---and maxing each gem out compounds your progress to maxing out the others. Start with bane of the trapped.

If ur not in a poopsocker guild, there's supposedly a community for grift grinding for gems but i dunno if its seasons or not.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nice ill try looking for the community tonight. I've gotten a lot of PLing in seasons up to this past weekend (Thanks Nola, Root, & other bros)


This game can be a real pain in the nutz. Still no TnT after 55+ Grfits/7200+ BS spent on Kadala. Fucking increase in item cost on her was a huge nerf. 380 PL and zero TnT. Blah.

The loot needs to be divided into tiers that correspond with Torment levels. There's no reason on Earth why I should be getting Blackthorn's at T6. The only gear I should be getting in T6/Grift 25+ are very rares to ultra rares, not common garbage like set pieces or the bow/ring/amulet that I've tossed into the bin 500000000x already.


Lord Nagafen Raider
i dont agree that much to that statement. I mean t6 right now is kinda easy to reach and farm as is grift 25+. I do like the idea loot quality directed with the rift difficulty, but right now the top common difficulty are tier 30+ to tier 35+. tier 40+ too while tier 43+ is relegated to certain spec only (with dhs being up to 45-49), and maps with certain type of mobs/ density and pylons.

I mean already if you able to clear a grift 30+ t6 become as easy as t1, and it really doesnt take much to get a char to be able to do t6 in a comfortable way. So your idea is good, but should only be applied to greater rift at 30 35 and 40 (at least imho). Anyway is not that they ll change, gearing as it is right now, is easy (got my seasonal crus full akhan and t6 ready in 4 5 days playing couple of hours a day ). IT is just hard to get few specialized items, and i guess they ll keep it that way.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
This game can be a real pain in the nutz. Still no TnT after 55+ Grfits/7200+ BS spent on Kadala. Fucking increase in item cost on her was a huge nerf.
This is not correct. Her rate of legendaries went up from 1.5% per purchase to 10% per purchase (6 and 1/3 increase times the old rate) vs the cost per purchase going up at a rate of 5 times the old rate.
6 and 1/3 > 5 in simple math.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This game can be a real pain in the nutz. Still no TnT after 55+ Grfits/7200+ BS spent on Kadala. Fucking increase in item cost on her was a huge nerf. 380 PL and zero TnT. Blah.

The loot needs to be divided into tiers that correspond with Torment levels. There's no reason on Earth why I should be getting Blackthorn's at T6. The only gear I should be getting in T6/Grift 25+ are very rares to ultra rares, not common garbage like set pieces or the bow/ring/amulet that I've tossed into the bin 500000000x already.
I quit playing for awhile because I didn't get t&t in over 20,000 shards and was grinding for that one item for 3 weeks.


Blackwing Lair Raider
RNG is nuts, I got taskers like 5 minutes aftering dinging 70 on my DH. I remember on standard going weeks on end farming for those things and then it was pos INT that dropped.


Molten Core Raider
I'd be happy to trade 7k shards for a T&T. I'm over 20k easily, maybe closer to 30k. 416 paragon and no tasker's and I haven't even gotten a goblin vault yet. (and I go goblin hunting sometimes so it's not like I had stacks of keystones and never do bounties)

Friend of mine got his T&T on his first day of trying. Dude has that plus a near perfect etrayu at like 230 paragon.

Should see my glove collection.

edit: just got frostburns #3


Lord Nagafen Raider
Recently rolled a sunwoko monk and i have to disagree hes a poor man crusader. The thing is a beast. Packs way more burst than comdemn ever could. That, combined with dash giving him crazy mobility to dodge out of one shot abilities, its a blast. Way more my playstyle.


<Bronze Donator>
Burst, they're about the same, but only when SWK has an FD proc going to sustain spamming both sweeping winds and mantra. Don't forget that while SWK 4pc and Condemn do almost the same damage, Condemn has the bonus of skill affixes on gear and can proc miri(at a very high coefficient).

You don't use steed charge to dodge one shots? Or just, you know, stand in it because you have CC immunity and cheat death on 20s CD?

When I made that comment, I was referring to the support abilities. Provoke has better utility than BoH and is less annoying at sustaining resource until you get BoH's CD under its duration. Shield Glare has better utility than Forbidden Palace for about the same DPS increase. I prefer Steed Charge over Dashing Strike because of the mobility it provides outside of fights and it lets you skip a lot of trash. But I can see why someone would prefer DS, it definitely has a better feel than steed. The utility on AC is much better than Epiphany, especially since the crusader can lock down runners and doesn't need teleporting strikes to chase after stuff.

Some of those differences go away if you switch to a dual wield spec:

Monk - Game Guide - Diablo III

And stack enough CDR to get Epiphany up almost 100%.