With the way they are promoting this game it seems they know deep down it's going to be a failure dumpster fire. Game will probably suck complete shit but it won't matter because you and I both know it will break sales records just like Diablo 3 did. Probably end up being the most number of sales of any game ever and that's all that really matters game could be pure shit in a box but as long as people buy said shit and they recoup Bobby's money day one then everything else micro-transaction, turbo gay battle pass, or whatever pay to win shit is just free loot at that point. The fact that they need to cheese ball stupid fucking questions no normal person would ever fucking ask regardless of the source tells you they know it's a steaming pile of shit.
Probably, will have to release an X-pac to make the game playable a year or so after launch to fix all the fail points. Still even if the game sucks turbo ass if the community here is going to be playing might as well take a bite of the shit sandwich with them. Let's just not pretend it tastes like fucking ice cream. Honestly, the press releases, retard Dev interviews, terrible trailers, and gay as fuck KFC, gaming chairs, and streamer loot has done more to turn me off the game than anything. The marketing strategy seems pretty ass.