Trakanon Raider
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Well, here it is folks, the new Zelda game - a shiny reminder of Nintendo's growing legacy of letdowns.So let's review what you guys are buying:
Follow the satnav single player campaign with ample checkpoints for games journalists.
All encounters are level scaled which will give the game a predictable challengless world.
All loot is level scaled which makes early-mid game loot pointless to invest in.
Skill/progression system is a step backwards from where the genre has progressed to since D3 (which was arguably a step back from D2 itself).
Likely underwhelming endgame designed to get daily engagement and monthly MAUs for investors instead of player fun.
Battle passes and paid cosmetics IN A FULL PRICE GAME.
Likely broken promises, stubbornly sticking to unpopular broken systems and glacial addition of new content.
I played the Demo. I played Diablo Immortal. They cancelled Diablo 3 Expansion 3. They cancelled Overwatch 2. They mangled WoW.
When will we stop being cucks and stop buying this shit? I'm done unless the reviews are spectacular, I can't see how it's possible. The only thing I'm worried about is IRL friends and colleagues playing it and dragging me in.
Nintendo just released a MASSIVE game with no performance issues, no battle passes or paid cosmetics, which innovates the genre. Just play Zelda instead.
The graphics? Just some rehashed pixels. As for gameplay, it's like playing the old Zelda game on repeat. Nothing new, nothing groundbreaking.
The storyline? I've seen deeper plots in Saturday morning cartoons. Immersive? More like submersive, 'cause this thing's sinking fast.
If you're jumping to defend this new Zelda, you're just being a Nintendo simp. Remember when they crafted epics, not just re-skinned relics? I miss those days.
This new Zelda game is a testament to Nintendo's descent into mediocrity. The real legend here is the legend of the cash grab.
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