Is there a forum clan?
Always is probably will be named something like "Fuck you yank your bluejeans" or some shit like that or might be <Fires of Heaven> <FoH> or some variant of. When the game launches tonight someone will put to clan together. EitherDaidraco or me or whatever is on first. We'll make sure everyone can invited as needed.
Some guys are already sharing their id's in the discord if you want to add some people. Apparently you can open up setting and enable x-realm play so if we have your tag you can still co-op on the same regions as the rest of us even if you are in some shitty timezone server or god forbid a fucking console faggot.
Apologies, the "Clerks" nerd in me cannot help... I believe it's "Yankee"
I still have a 100% strict give no money to Blizzard policy.
I still have a 100% strict give no money to Blizzard policy.
That sounds like faggot talk. Betray your judgment, be impulsive, be weak, give in.
I feel dirty, but I'm going to purchase it. A few guys at work are hyping it up, and there are enough of you guys jumping on, plus some decent reviews, so why not... here comes a dirty console peasant!
Utnayan I know you confessed drunkenly to me one night that a tranny touched your "no-no square," but it's ok. If you have good feelings from it, you no longer have to suppress them. Let's revisit those feelings through Diablo!