Is the guild cross server or do we need a Euro FoH?
I usually play in US but have 3 IRL friends on this in EU.
Yeah that's why I have a black tranny clown avatar, I deserve it, I'm on team woke lgbt now.You bought the game after all of that horse shit?
There is someone from here that lives in Denmark thats in the guild. So i dont know if they have regional servers or if the way they designed the game - maybe its completely different than what we’re accustomed to with mega servers. Maybe it changes based on some factors like latency, hosting etc.
I go by my chat name Mahes in the game. Still trying to figure out the chat system as I rarely ever see it being used. I am in game now.I kite them into other groups. Since pulverize has substantial range, they are never close enough to life steal.
I think it was @Janx that showed me a video of it? But the landslide druid basically covers the entire floor in a 3 meter by 3 meter square of landslide. Its crazy looking. Just, as always, its scary to change your build so drastically and I hate that.
Ask in Discord. Just about every non-lurker user here, Ive tagged with officer privs. (Nothing against the lurkers, I just have no idea who you are, usually.)
I see them all the time, for instance I killed 2 today just fucking around in the last 2 hours, 1 in a dungeon and second in the world. They show up on your mini.I'm almost lvl 60 and I've seen one. Just one.
I have mixed feelings about it. The chat system may have always used battle tag and i just didnt know about it? But i liked it better when a friend request was character specific. But now when i muteI go by my chat name Mahes in the game. Still trying to figure out the chat system as I rarely ever see it being used. I am in game now.
Theyre rares. Look on fextra’s interactive map and itll show you all of their locations. They drop stat specific items sometimes and a few are nice.How often are you guys seeing named monsters that pop up in your map when you're in the overworld? I guess in the first zone I ran into some giant tree monster that just completely whipped my ass. Tried fighting him like three times and just couldn't get anywhere close to killing him. Only other one I've seen was some sort of wizard somewhere and was able to kill him but it wasn't an easy fight.
To those encounters happen a lot? I've seen plenty of treasure goblins and the butcher four or five times at this point, and I think I'm right around 40. Still in the first zone, just slowly working my way through.
Did get a legendary off of the one guy killed in the one time I killed the butcher it was the same deal. I guess that's why I asked because is it worth just kind of running around looking for them.
I dunno, depends what you mean by named monsters I guess. I seem to run into a decent mix of names vs "generic mods monster type" elites as i'm running around and none of them seem harder than the others. The only hard ones i've run in to are Butcher (still kicked my ass last time I saw him at 53 or 54 with 11 potions because I had pants that gave +3, think I barely got him to his first marker) and a helltide boss who was level 72 when everyone running around was 53-54 and he wasn't hitting me hard but I did terrible damage to him.How often are you guys seeing named monsters that pop up in your map when you're in the overworld? I guess in the first zone I ran into some giant tree monster that just completely whipped my ass. Tried fighting him like three times and just couldn't get anywhere close to killing him. Only other one I've seen was some sort of wizard somewhere and was able to kill him but it wasn't an easy fight.
To those encounters happen a lot? I've seen plenty of treasure goblins and the butcher four or five times at this point, and I think I'm right around 40. Still in the first zone, just slowly working my way through.
Did get a legendary off of the one guy killed in the one time I killed the butcher it was the same deal. I guess that's why I asked because is it worth just kind of running around looking for them.
Yes, don't play.So, is this a steaming pile of shit like D3?
It's a lot of fun.So, is this a steaming pile of shit like D3?
How often are you guys seeing named monsters that pop up in your map when you're in the overworld? I guess in the first zone I ran into some giant tree monster that just completely whipped my ass. Tried fighting him like three times and just couldn't get anywhere close to killing him. Only other one I've seen was some sort of wizard somewhere and was able to kill him but it wasn't an easy fight.
To those encounters happen a lot? I've seen plenty of treasure goblins and the butcher four or five times at this point, and I think I'm right around 40. Still in the first zone, just slowly working my way through.
Did get a legendary off of the one guy killed in the one time I killed the butcher it was the same deal. I guess that's why I asked because is it worth just kind of running around looking for them.
Is there a limit on guild members or should I harass people for an invite next time i'm online (Saturday night)?
Oh wow, I didn't know that. I'm assuming that's in the main hub, or is it in any of the Little villages?When you are in a town, you will occassionally see a wanted poster. When you read it it will say something like "beware of so-and-so, last seen wandering around the forest of X", so if you are so inclined you can go to that area and search for it. I'm sure it's on some sort of timer but I don't know what respawn time would be.
Not sure if you are talking about one of the world bosses that spawns 4x a day? Here's a tracker:
Oh wow, I didn't know that. I'm assuming that's in the main hub, or is it in any of the Little villages?
Thanks though.