I got a maxroll Razorplate on my rogue. Any application for a good rogue thorns build? or is this mostly a Barb/Necro/Druid thing.
You gotta be cheap in this fucking province.Going from a potato on a 35" monitor, to an actual gaming rig on a 50" 4K screen is fucking amazeballs.
If nothing else, D4 made my cheap Nova Scotian ass finally upgrade. I stretched that 1050ti out a long time lol.
I've been in Alberta for a long time, you can take the boy out of Nova Scotia, but can't take the Nova Scotia outa the boy. I still say a variation of fuck every other word, people I work with out here just say its my Nova Scotian accent.You gotta be cheap in this fucking province.
I think this is what happenedRegarding Dolan in Act 5
Did he fart right when he died? I'm 100% serious and I don't know how to replay that scene.
1:20 for shitting himselfRegarding Dolan in Act 5
Did he fart right when he died? I'm 100% serious and I don't know how to replay that scene.
These PoE comparisons are so off point. PoE has been around like 10 years. How many acts did it release with? Certainly not 10. It’s had a decade to create and add content. All those cool league mechanics were not there at launch. Would you even play the original PoE today without the years of post release content?
It reminds me of all the MMOs that came after WoW and people bitching about not enough content or things to do compared to WoW when WoW had already had years of content added and was already a matured product.
Yeah but you cant just make a comparison of a 10 yr old game to a freshly minted one like you are doing. And quite frankly I dont think anyone expects any game released today to be as content filled as any game from 10 yrs ago with 10 yrs of perpetual constant additions of content. Also it would be a fools errand for devs to chase that type of content in a new game, like come on. There has to be a start point for a game where its considered complete and build from there. Or else any game that is not "first" in a new genre would be stuck in perpetual dev cycle just to release to compete with games 10 yrs old, or 25+ years old for that matter as is with games like WOW and EQ.You (and those making similar arguments) aren't arguing the right thing. Yes, it took PoE 10 years to get here. But the point is -- it's here now at the same time D4 is here now.
So the competition here is D4 of today and PoE of today. Not D4 of today and PoE of 10 years ago.
Which this one delivers, although IMO it is kind of shallow in the end game department for now
the problem imo, is getting enough corpses/killing mobs to make an unholy army of alluh akbarsI switched to that Pet/Corpse explosion build earlier and while it works great in the Overworld it is really annoying in NM Dungeons when you get Elites that vaporize your pets. I struggle at Tier 21 and just ended up rage quitting. Don't think I will do Necromancer at all in S1. Probably Rogue or Sorcerer when it arrives.
Granted I'm only 67 or 68 so maybe I am lacking too many Paragon points to make it "good'er".
Why does he have cleavage, and almost like a "valley" of shadows between two non-existent tits? That whole character is just.. questionable.I am not surprised none of us are playing this shit anymore.