So as usual, they just could have copied PoE.If they were clever they would make some of the mods convey an overall +itempower offset to all the drops to reward people who want to slam their dick in the door.
what are the chances that a good chunk of the suffix’s get removed/replaced at some point?
Meh. I'm not rushing at all. I just don't want to spend a bunch of time setting up my gear and rerolling only to start replacing with WT4 shit in a few levels.Just do it yourself at 65. There's no benefit to going into WT4 early, the lowest level mobs in WT4 are 73.
People trying to rush to the end of a game with no endgame are a large part of why they're so disappointed.
So you will be done this afternoon then..?I get burnt out and bored fast anyways......
You may still be able to collect Helltide currency in WT3, then port to town, change to WT4, then run to the chest and open it for better loots.Just do it yourself at 65. There's no benefit to going into WT4 early, the lowest level mobs in WT4 are 73.
People trying to rush to the end of a game with no endgame are a large part of why they're so disappointed.
Im not sure if this works anymore, I think they fixed it. Check the patch notes on their last patch I think they addressed this exploit.You may still be able to collect Helltide currency in WT3, then port to town, change to WT4, then run to the chest and open it for better loots.
Is it worth the trouble,? Depends on the person, I guess.
Just do it yourself at 65. There's no benefit to going into WT4 early, the lowest level mobs in WT4 are 73.
People trying to rush to the end of a game with no endgame are a large part of why they're so disappointed.
I'm 60 and using the Ice Shards build. Currently in all sacred legendary. Right when I hit 60, I went into the capstone dungeon just to see how it felt for like 5 minutes. Didn't really feel any danger, but 2 of the first 3 groups I ran into were +health and it took longer than 3 seconds to faceroll everything, so I figured I'd wait a few levels to try again.Wife and I broke into WT4 at 60 and it was a (temporary) breath of fresh air. Exp was SO fucking slow in WT3.
So, I'd completely disagree with this. If your char is powerful enough to kill basic shit in WT4, do it early at 60 if you wantBandwagon . But good luck finding someone to help with that negative Diablo-SMV equity.
Yeah I had gotten to him solo at like 60 / 61 and just couldn't kill him, the dungeon itself had some hard elites but otherwise wasnt that bad even with the level difference. My damage was pretty terrible at that point too but I was at least decently tanky.The problem with the last capstone isn't the dungeon, it's the last boss. He's a complete PITA if you are underlevelled and undergeared because he goes through phases with large amounts of adds that can overwhelm. If you are properly geared and high enough level, you can burn him down without him going through all the phases.
Personally, it wouldnt take much to turn this from okay to amazing.
If they could fix the awful loot drop algorithm, add better essences / uniques for each class, and have some sort of purpose to higher level NMs aside from glyph xp, I think I would enjoy it a lot more.
It still would need a ton of QoL stuff, but I don't understand why they couldnt have better gear drop from harder nightmare dungeons, that alone seems like such an impossible thing to overlook. Yeah, lots of the enemy affixes suck, but if you had a better chance at upgrades I'd start running them.
I like that idea, keep specific unique essences and let all the essences get slowly upgraded to a point. If they want to cockblock the highest rolls behind imprinting, fine, but that wouldn't affect 99% of the player base. I love it, make it happen, LOLAlso the Codex is such a dropped-ball situation. They created a very complicated system with the legendary aspect extraction/infusion shit, and it's entirely too cumbersome to use effectively currently. As mentioned earlier in the thread, the Codex needs to give you the base minimum version of the aspect when you complete the dungeon, and then you need to be able to "infuse" the codex with higher rolled aspects as you find them. Holding on to so many legendaries for their aspects is such a pain in the ass, it's way worse than holding on to legendaries in D3 because everything is mix and match.