More cope. Just come to terms man. You had a mediocre experience that could've been replaced by a million other things. It's totally fine but don't make yourself to be some holier then thou awakened gamer cause you "got your money worth" and anybody who criticizes this game is some autistic screeching moron. Admit your totally fine slurping up shit in a mediocre game from a pathetic company.
I mean, I did enjoy my non-early access purchase, but it definitely needs a TON of work. Very obviously was released unfinished among internal issues / losing key developers / etc.More cope. Just come to terms man. You had a mediocre experience that could've been replaced by a million other things. It's totally fine but don't make yourself to be some holier then thou awakened gamer cause you "got your money worth" and anybody who criticizes this game is some autistic screeching moron. Admit your totally fine slurping up shit in a mediocre game from a pathetic company.
I think it'll be the first expansion before we see a real end game. Im hoping that they eventually graduate into more substantial shit. I dont want them to just do Diablo 3 seasons, just set in Diablo 4 - thats what theyre doing so far and its just fucking lazy.Like I said before, Season 6 or 7 is when I will check back. They need to make this game fun so you feel powerful and get quality loot drops, which this game is way too far away from right now. Its like the devs are fucking old misers that dot want you to have fun for some fictitious "balance" reasons or some shit.
Like I said before, Season 6 or 7 is when I will check back. They need to make this game fun so you feel powerful and get quality loot drops, which this game is way too far away from right now. Its like the devs are fucking old misers that dot want you to have fun for some fictitious "balance" reasons or some shit.
More cope. Just come to terms man. You had a mediocre experience that could've been replaced by a million other things. It's totally fine but don't make yourself to be some holier then thou awakened gamer cause you "got your money worth" and anybody who criticizes this game is some autistic screeching moron. Admit your totally fine slurping up shit in a mediocre game from a pathetic company.
This pretty much exactly mirrors my experience.You realize it can be both fun and disappointing, right?
I had fun for as long as I played. I stopped playing when the fun dwindled. (70ish hours, played until mid-June, haven't touched the game since).
I also think the game is a colossal disappointment, judging from what I think it could've been. The reason is probably that Blizzard is a washed a up has-been that belongs on C-list "celebrity" reality shows now, when they used to be an actual celebrity.
They key is recognizing when you had your fill of a game. Forcing yourself to play for longer just sours the memory of the fun you had. In D4 I got to level 60 after launch and didn't even touch the season. Because while the campaign and the first few days of grinding were fun, it quickly became clear that the game is not going to be fun for much longer.
Its OK to enjoy Blizzard games and also get made fun of it for it. You lack the self awareness that you can enjoy a game and also the fact that it was a faggot game. But please keep creating amazing strawman arguments and dealing with your own cope. I'll continue to come to this thread and make fun of Blizzard and you specifically since it gets you all riled up.Almost everyone that actually played it agrees it was a lot of fun until it wasn't. Why retards likePenance have some autistic sperg out where everyone needs to pretend like that's not the case is anyone's guess, or how he gets the idea that anyone who criticizes the game is attacked.
Everyone criticizes the game, but the rewriting of history that's stupid