<Silver Donator>
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Thought this was pretty helpful since not having played since the launch.
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Still sucks to lose the progress but I guess thats the HC mentality, should be a lot quicker without worrying about the faction grind at least!Fortunately yes, it does carry over, along with stash, and gold. This was my first D4 HC season, so I had to do it one time at least.
Ball lightning sorc is one of the most fun builds I've ever played in an ARPG so far. Just switched to it today from my hydra/firewall leveling build and it's insanely strong and I have not much optimization at level 97 atm.Whats a good class to try once I max out the Necromancer?
That sounds like a good idea but watching for the colors to drop and picking things up, ie the Loot Pinata, is a staple of the genre. At least having less loot drop and having some missing things turn up is a step in the right direction.Was sick of having to portal to town in the middle of Hell Tides and was trying to see how many champions I could spawn and kill. Had seen there was a missed item function for the stash. Or figured I could run around after to pick stuff up. 10 item cap in missed items stash and all ground drops poofed when Hell Tides ended. Oops, lesson learned. Lot of future tempering bricked items lost.
Why didn't they just run that shit like an old school arcade. Build points and at the end use points to purchase loot boxes. No picking shit up. No running to town. No missing the crystal drops. Easy and more fun.
Ill give it a spin. The Firewall build was neat and fun in the beginning, but not so much now.Ball lightning sorc is one of the most fun builds I've ever played in an ARPG so far. Just switched to it today from my hydra/firewall leveling build and it's insanely strong and I have not much optimization at level 97 atm.
I was gonna go frozen orb sorc since that's the new hotness sorc build but I watched someone doing bosses on it and it was painfully slow, altho it's amazing at clearing. Ball lightning however clears only slightly slower but does bosses MUCH faster.
tried it at the same level and got tired of not even seeing what the fuck one shots me 99.9 percent of the time.The Lillith fight is such a bad encounter. Tried it now at 95 and I cant see fucking shit all whats happening, then boom insta dead.
I played a necro on the game came out and it was fun but definitely felt inferior to all of my buddies who were playing different classes. Ended up reinstalling last night and was going to play but then that stupid Dune 2 movie came out, and started watching it and fell asleep, that's any indication of how I feel about the film.I have two 100's in Softcore Season a Sorc and Necro. Although Necros are just flat out overpowered and can damn near 1 shot Uber bosses for just about everything else I prefer the Sorc playstyle the Necro shit is just boring. Still minions are so stupid powerful it's worth checking out just to afk win all games.
Sorc on the other hand has a ton of build options. Frozen Orb is a speedclear demon and fun as fuck even with my meh gear. Hard part is finding decent guides or builds for this game. I swear every streamer/youtuber for D4 is full blown turbo aids, same for most of the sites.
Same with trading, I guess there are a couple of discords you can trade on but for a game that apparently is based around trading for gold. All in game systems for it are trash. Only reason I would bother trading really would be for gold to do tryhard mastersmithing shit which is really a nonissue for 99.9% of the game but is required if you wanna min/max.
Only things that are really left at this point in the season are "greater rifts" (pits) / uber bossing / and the weekly leaderboard stuff. I might try out another class or two later with how easy leveling is but who knows.
If anyone wants to go some grouping for bosses though hit me up, Would much rather double up/ quad up on materials and see if we can get some uber uqinues.
I played a necro on the game came out and it was fun but definitely felt inferior to all of my buddies who were playing different classes. Ended up reinstalling last night and was going to play but then that stupid Dune 2 movie came out, and started watching it and fell asleep, that's any indication of how I feel about the film.
What type of minion build are you running? I'm thinking about remaking a necro just to get the experience I was hoping for when I originally played it.
Yeah when one of these games comes out or gets updated or whatever it's so hard to sift through all of the stupid content. Most OP build ever, just breaks the game, blah blah blah.I have been using the standard minion build, but Necros are so OP that you can almost use anything. Here is the best place I have found for current build options. You will see about 1000 random dick American Inventors posting their #1 OMGWTFBBQ Watch me on Twitch autistic turbo faggot builds. It's why it's hard to know what's actually good.
Diablo 4 Necromancer Builds - Endgame & Leveling Guides - Season 7
Explore the best Diablo 4 Necromancer builds in the current season: best skills, items, paragon board progression and more. Meta endgame and leveling builds!mobalytics.gg
Got a nice drop, would have been perfect if life/sec was armor. Got both my tempers, max life, and just missed the 45% max for decrep size. Dropped with 3 greater affixes. First real nice drop (almost BiS for build)
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That *** sword I posted about a couple days ago dropped randomly while doing a sidequest for renown. To me it just seems like the old Ancient->Primal system from D3, roughly a 10% chance for each *. I almost never see ** drops, but * are fairly common and I get them no matter what I'm doing. Probably a bit lower % for ** now that I think about it, since I get around 100 legendaries during a full helltide and I definitely don't get one ** per hour. Sometimes it'll go 3-4 without seeing one (and I've yet to get a single one with both stats being useful).Where’d that drop?
I’ve yet to get more than 1 bullet drops and I’m doing lvl 60 Pits and 100 NMD’s.
Where’d that drop?
I’ve yet to get more than 1 bullet drops and I’m doing lvl 60 Pits and 100 NMD’s.
That *** sword I posted about a couple days ago dropped randomly while doing a sidequest for renown. To me it just seems like the old Ancient->Primal system from D3, roughly a 10% chance for each *. I almost never see ** drops, but * are fairly common and I get them no matter what I'm doing. Probably a bit lower % for ** now that I think about it, since I get around 100 uniques during a full helltide and I definitely don't get one ** per hour. Sometimes it'll go 3-4 without seeing one (and I've yet to get a single one with both stats being useful).
I prefer Maiden if there's a lot of people killing her within seconds of spawn, especially if I get a group invite. If there's only a couple people at the spot I think you're better off running around.Vorph do you just spam Maiden or are you running around the whole Helltide killing?