Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Remember trying to make Starcraft 2 an internationally televised e-sport?

SC2 eports scene was fucking great up until like 2013. I remember seriously shitting up TL forums for years. Homestory Cup was something I looked forward to every year. Hatewatched GSL because the faggotry that was Tasteosis. InControl and his savage puns. TB later carrying the entire scene because fuck Blizzard. IdrA telling people to go fuck themselves with a tire iron. Also hallucinated voidrays (you know what I'm talking about). JP being a cocksucker for going to work for twitch. Btw did you people know that twitch, justin.tv back in the early days, was basically created so a small western SC:BW community could watch Korean scene live at better bitrate
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Why would they code it this way?

probably something to do with trading/auction house later down the line. It's cheap/resource heavy way to access data quickly. Or maybe trading/AH was scrapped and they didn't bother rewriting anything and just left it in.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I sorta wish they completely removed the aspects and just made uniques with all of thee powers on them.

They just need to let people codex the item dropped aspects and then have the farming part of the grind be to upgrade your existing codex item aspect power with a better roll.

It's been mentioned before. If that's not in the pipeline I don't see too many people tolerating the grindy inventory management longterm.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm

When you see another player in game you load them and their entire stash filled with all their items.

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Golden Baronet of the Realm

Can tell a lot of you didnt play, or give New World much of a chance. No matter how you try to justify decisions like this in your mind, with the possibility of an AH etc. - it just doesnt make any sense. You can really tell that devs 10+ years ago, with their limited ass tools, were far more intelligent. Where as the smart ones now wouldnt even consider the salary game devs are paid and make 3x's that working for Wells Fargo.
  • 1Truth!
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<Silver Donator>
There we go, this is what I meant by "Lazy af" build. It keeps minions summoned too
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Fun things bout getting older, is you find foods/drinks that do random shit to you, that they never did before.

Was gonna stay up late and grind out to 60, got a bowl of granola and milk, next thing I know I wake up a couple hours ago in agony on couch (agony because i can't fucking sleep like that anymore) with soggy granola and drying milk all over me and couch.

Not the first time with granola, I just don't eat it often. Fucking shit knocks me out faster than a sleeping pill, wildest thing.
  • 4Worf
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Whats with all the chickenscratch names and clans? 90% of the players I see have some variation of it. Made me check my region, like wtf. Saw a group of these fucks that managed to bug out an event that was over, but just kept infinitely spawning waves. Guess my knockback got annoying and fucked something up, because it stopped after awhile and they bailed.

Make an online only game, but flood it with fucking foreigners I can't even communicate with, and it causes lag when they load in, with the statement about how players load in their full inventory and stash it all makes sense now. Why the hell are all these fucks over here? I can't see how this game is a booming RMT market.
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Log Wizard
Fun things bout getting older, is you find foods/drinks that do random shit to you, that they never did before.

Was gonna stay up late and grind out to 60, got a bowl of granola and milk, next thing I know I wake up a couple hours ago in agony on couch (agony because i can't fucking sleep like that anymore) with soggy granola and drying milk all over me and couch.

Not the first time with granola, I just don't eat it often. Fucking shit knocks me out faster than a sleeping pill, wildest thing.
How fucking old are you? Is your social security number 7? This is the first time I've heard of someone going on a granola bender.
  • 10Worf
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Canuckistani Terrorist
How fucking old are you? Is your social security number 7? This is the first time I've heard of someone going on a granola bender.
A concern for fibre I never worried about before. I have severe nerve damage in my lower back, take gabs and celebrex, both bung me up good unless I do fibre blasts a couple times a week.

The farts are glorious though, nothing clears a room and gives me peace and quiet quite like it.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
How fucking old are you? Is your social security number 7? This is the first time I've heard of someone going on a granola bender.

Jeff Ross joke if I recall? (Social #) or could have been phone #...either way going to bug me now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
When you see another player in game you load them and their entire stash filled with all their items.

View attachment 483714
I have a friend who complains about younger developers constantly. Apparently a lot of them know how to use the tools to make a thing happen, but all the non-degree coders skipped learning the lower level shit so have no idea how bad their solution is going to perform, and most of the folks who did get a recent college degree just crammed that information for a test then went on their merry way and forgot it when they went for game dev. So their goal is "get it to work", not "get it to work well."
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