Didn't know where else to post this rant. Politically related, also I am Islamophobic

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<Gold Donor>
I'm going to rant. This is crazy and weird, I decided not to post it in the Politics thread as it is just too... moronic? Long? Stupid? Long?

TLDR; The Left are insect people and AntiFa is their ISIS

Be me, Get 'drunk' (<-- ****), think about World War Z : An Oral History of Zombie war (Wife has been listening to it in the car, fantastic audio book, pirate it imitatively), think of the zombies as Muslims, realize it is horrifyingly accurate metaphor and the entire book works... cuz you're 'drunk'.

Learned about some of the history of India and Pakistan tonight ***** (I had buried my head in the sand for 30 years, all of my peers have. We were white trash), I am done with Islam.


I am going to get my shit together and move my family to a country that will stand it's fucking ground. Maybe I am paranoid and 'drunk'

Okay I am paranoid and 'drunk' but fuck it, its only the internet so it's only forever.

Just go with me

The World is over populated, we need a purge or we are done. Don't argue with me, just go with it.

Something is going to give, I can feel it. Deep down inside when I close my eyes in the most quiet of night. I can almost... hear it?

"There are too many of us, and we all know it." ***

Paranoia? Probably. Schizophrenia? No, possible, but unlikely because it isn't a 'voice' and whatever it is, it's mine. And really this part is gross exaggeration of how my overactive imagination works. Just. Go. With. It.

It's also not a voice, it's like a visual geometric equation.

A fractal equation that I see when I close my eyes, not in numbers but in those bizarre neon flashes and shit you see. **

It always comes out to the same things... well one of two things...

"There are too many of us, and you all know it." is the other, though I think that is just my fear of insects and that paranoia.

I know, I sound crazy. Just, follow along.

We know there are too many people on this planet, we have done a good job concentrating them into those groups but something toxic to us is forming.

The androgynous, gender confusion, mass homogenization of humanity and all desiring a Matriarchal figure to surround and worship.

Like insects!!

What happens when you place generations of humans in an insect like evolutionary environment, all those people crammed together all of the time. Never a chance or opportunity to get away from the constant noise and buzz of it all...

Hive mind insect mentality takes over so the din and hum is in the same frequency. Same music, same tv shows with same monotone voices, the same conversations, and the safety of nothing different intruding **

Like insects.

Her Queen didn't get to ascend to the throne, the hive was set back. All of a sudden the screaming and crying makes a little more sense. Their queen cried out in pain, they all screamed. REEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee

We know that anti-depressants are not properly filtered out of our systems and they are not properly filtered out of the water reclamation systems. Same with antibiotics.

Same with excess estrogen from women on the pill. Yeah, gay frogs. ** ***

Trans people screaming they were born in the wrong body, I would love to see the male->female one's levels of estrogen.

Think there might be something there, a hormone that doesn't belong. An entire regulatory system unable to handle something so foreign yet completely the same?

A woman in a man's body. Gay Frogs. Maybe sex and gender identity are not linked... except... they always to branch off to breeding incompatible couplings so maybe not. Yeah, definitely not. Gender identity is about who they want to want to fuck them. And. Its a symptom of the regression into a non-individualist state. Androgynous and identical.

Somethings gotta give, can you hear it? **

Doesn't there seem like there is a lot of chaos or silence in the World. If you are not hearing bad news you ain't hearing jack shit?

That is what I imagine the calm before the storm is like.

Something is giving, what? Fucked if I know what it says but the writing is on the subway wall and tenement halls. but I think it says Allah Akbar.

I see it now. I am either right about the muslims, or I am right about the insects. If I am right about both then we are in for a war we have already lost.

I know I sound crazy. I feel crazy.

I just see the puzzles making puzzle pieces to a larger puzzle and I have no boxes. The picture I see is WW3, 'Us' vs 'Them'.

Ever read the Haters trilogy by David Moody? People suddenly just start certain other people as immediate lethal threats, kill or be killed. They can also tell the people that are also like them with a glance, they just know. The other side can't. The hostility between the 'left', or the hive, and the 'right', or the individualists, is frightening. I wish I could be the person doing physical harm to those AntiFa fucks. I hate them like I have never hated any group. I seem them as a growing lethal threat. And this is how I want them to see me.

They are the ISIS of the Liberal Left. ** ***

Radicalized disenfranchised youths, sheltered, probably suffering from slight levels of lead poisoning, angry at a world they can't make sense of, and given the dream of a 'Star Trek'ian utopia for all.
Radicalized, poor, slightly inbred, indoctrinated, probably suffering from slight levels of lead poisoning, angry at a world that does not conform to their God, and given the dream of a utopia after death.

-- Intermission --

[bcolor=rgb(24, 24, 24)]Lead poisoning helped down the Roman Empire[/bcolor], the fossil fuel industry has done a lot to bury shit about lead poisoning. I know this is contestable, but at the same time... Clair Cameron Patterson, fucking big oil tried to keep him from revealing that leaded gasoline fumes were toxic to people and the shit was getting everywhere.

Leaded Gasoline is still used throughout the non-1st World. In their cars and the planes that fly over head. Yeah, I am a crazy conspiracy theorist, but you take all the little puzzle pieces, and all the little puzzles...

-- End Intermission --

Islam does not want you questioning it, the left does want you questioning it.
Islam want to kill anyone who does, the left hates and despises anyone who does.
Islam will take from us and distribute among themselves, the left wants to take from everyone else and redistribute among themselves.
Everyone who has not given their soul to Allah is an enemy of Islam. Anyone who has not accepted the doctrine of the Left is an enemy.
There is no seeing eye-to-eye with Islam if you are non-Islamic, There is no seeing eye-to-eye with a Leftist is you are not a fucking moronic retard with your head crammed so far your own fucking ass the only way back out is to divide by zero and hope for the best.


I see parallels in things where they shouldn't be. Like the left and insect behavior, antifa and isis.

I also have been trying to find a single other culture that coexisted with Islam...

India and Pakistan... Pakistan is where they sent all their Muslims because they couldn't get along and then they seceded like 80 years ago, I am simplifying this grotesquely because I don't give a fuck.

(In WWZ India and Pakistan are talked about being the two most likely countries to nuke each other, Non-Muslin and Muslim. That is why I even starting reading about the two, and an article my wife read about it from some Muslim Indian)

Islam is coming to our Countries, mine en masse before yours. Europe is already fucked and hopefully England can pull itself back from the brink.

Faith dies hard. They will always be Islam first, always.

There are 1.8 Billion Muslim's in the World, there are 328ish million people in the States, there are around 35 million people in canada. If only 0.1% of that population, Muslim, is radical then that is 1.6 million people wanting us all dead. Most people throw out 1% casually, I used 0.1, like 16 fucking million jihadist is not the scariest fucking thing imaginable because they don't think about the numbers. I can't help it, I am not good at it but I can't help it.

They are scared or they are, from the perspective of Individualist, out of their fucking minds. Capitulate and appease like a battered wife. Use the open hand and hope they don't blow up a mall or fly more planes into buildings. The open hand has never worked with Islam, it is the closed fist. Now, wrapped around the flight stick of a locust drone swarm laying cluster bomb hell upon their barbaric asses, or at least if I was to make an old After Burner style sim about it that is what I would do

Something's got to give, we are hard wired to cull our numbers when required. We are built for the necessity, whether we do it by choice, war, or by accident, war or disease, or without choice, the Left becoming a hive like matriarchal society would change the populace growth and effects in ways I can't even begin to imagine especially with their Muslim overlords beheading us all. Worst case scenario'ing is fun for the whole family

I watch the left, I see their rules, labels, and the hostility towards individuality, and I see insects. I see Hillary 'The Walking Corpse' Clinton and I see a dying queen. The Hive minded Left are losing their sense of self and that makes them vulnerable, it also makes them dangerous. Look at how they cling to that Russian narrative, they are trying to save Hillary by destroying Trump. When have you even heard them mention the new DNC leaders name?

When Hillary fucking croaks, and I am telling you the bitch is fucking dying, the Left are going to lose it. Big or small, loud or quiet, no idea.

(Then again I also think the FBI is waiting for her to die so they can reveal it was her they were investigating, Bill and Chelsea will be mostly untouchable, else she would roll over on some seriously dirty shit, my conspiracy theory my rules, including pizzagate)

It will be us vs Islam, eventually. We have to win our culture war first, or Islam has already won. The left gets more and more like Islam the angrier they get about Trump. That is one of many things about the Left that just baffles me, they are incidentally accepting more and more of the oppressive aspects of Islam in their insane campaign to make everyone the same. Make everything ordered, neat, organized, safe and conforming.

Like Insects.

The Left are our most intimidate threat, they need to be pacified or broken. Look at antifa as a mini isis, and they are growing. They are a joke now, no denying it, but for how long? How long before the sanctuary city Dindu-Nuffins, Taco-Muffin's, and misc other start joining? Yeah a bunch of shades of brown will go to jail but then the riots will start.

BLM has been relatively quiet lately, not silent... but suppressed.

The left are currently leaderless and directionless. Might be our time to break their shackles and reassert their concept of individuality? That is what this is really about, Individuality vs The Hive. Us vs The insects. Us vs The Insects?

I know, know, Crazy. Paranoid

Sorry, see...

It was M103 that finally broke me.

This says everything I have to say about bill m-103, Canada's anti Salamiphobia bill

It was India and Pakistan in WWZ, after my wide showed me that article and I did some light reading, that opened my eyes.

No culture in history has been able to coexist with Islam. None. They are coming, and if we don't bring the Left to heel you can imagine who the first suicidal jihadist converts will be.

Antifa. Especially the skinny weak ones who got their asses beat recently.

The war between Us and Islam is coming.


Maybe I am just really fucked up, losing my mind, or maybe I am finally choking down the last of my Red Pill and I just enjoy ranting melodramatically. It is cathartic.

I know this was long and weird, however, if you read it, I hope it wasn't boring.

( final note : @Tolan is the board's conscientious objector and I respect him for that. )


Tldr; The Left are insects, antifa is their isis, and war with Islam is coming.

And I hate canada and wanna be An American
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Life's a Dream
I started to read that. Got a few minutes in, then started scrolling. Jesus do you write a lot.

A+ on your use of links. Will not read again.

PS - Don't kill your wife/kid(s) tonight. They did nothing wrong. You're just drunk.
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> Than U
It twas many words to simply say we must hunt down all Antifa and exterminate them.
That is the easy part. The trick my dear comrade is not being caught.
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Pay to play forum
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<Bronze Donator>
TBT if I could sponsor you to move down to the good ole USA I would bro, we need more like you vs the safe space we are littered with.
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<Silver Donator>
When The Donald wins a second term and your liberals start moving North, I want you to petition your govt. to do a one for one trade for Canadian conservatives who otherwise can't get to the US legally. I will bring with me more than my weight in 6 different calibres and lots of rifles that need a suppressor fitting :D
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Avatar of War Slayer
Why do people hide behind "being drunk" on this board to post retarded shit? Just own up to being a retard occasionally.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Read it all. Great sourcing btw.

Where are the meaningful solutions though? I see your explanation of the issue but little on what to personally do.

Or you could try just being a cuck. It's super popular right now, lots of people seem to be trying it, and eventually all the ladies will be monopolized by men claiming handfuls and before sexual maturity so you may as well get used to short circuiting your sexual frustrations now, BEFORE the canadaliphate forms.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ps dibs on canadaliphate I made that up myself and I am not drunk, just retarded.
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<Gold Donor>
Insomnia, 'alcohol', and the inability to make sense of a country, Canada, and a people, the Far-left, skipping along head first into the abyss.

Yeah, I write retardedly long retarded shit that is retardedly retarded. I shouldn't have posted that in this sub-forum, however, I did and I am a fucking idiot for it. I had a little fun and blew off some steam, the far-Left and Islam scare the fuck out of me. Not separately, combined. Still, this was bad and I feel bad.

I should have posted this directly to the shaw, that would have made more sense. Sorry about that, I honestly didn't think of it until I woke up and face palmed over my stupidity.

I agree with everyone here, this was a stupid fucking post and had I been sober I woudn't have posted it.

Apologies to all, some people hit stuff, some work out, I write (not well) and should consider the other two a lot more.

I am TBT and I made a stupid fucking post because I was a fucking idiot. Sorry, eh.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Couple things.

1) I knew I had this guy on ignore for a reason. Zero useful information cluttering up the politics thread with complete bullshit.

2) board acts really weird when a thread is created by someone you are ignoring. The thread doesn't show up on the forum list, but it still shows up as "last activity" and the only reason I found it was Seb's reply to it was listed as last activity for the forum.

All in all, TL: DR, just like the rest of the nonsense this dude posts.
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Poet Warrior
Dear Canada,

We want Jordan Peterson, Lauren Southern, Quaid, Bisi, blizzak, and TBT. We'll give you Barack Obama, Lena Dunham, the entire Clinton family, Shia LeBeouf, and the state of Vermont in exchange.

Fuck Yeah
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