That's what muds turned into.I leveled a character to mid 30s on Achaea a year ago and I believe that Mudlet was the popular client to use. I ended up quitting when I realized I was having more fun programming tab-targeting like scripts for the game instead of actually playing it.
I enjoy Aardwolf MUD.It has a webpage. It's not much of an RP MUD, it's more hack and slash. It has a very helpful Newbie tutorial and newbie channel to get you started. Aardwulf is also the biggest MUD. It's not the oldest though.Can anyone recommend a decent fantasy MUD for someone new to give a shot?
What kind of hack ass mud were you playing that had maps built into the interface? That's what ZMud was for. That's for sure not ROM or DIKU standard.
PvpRp muds were the way to be.