Disaster Preparedness and Survival Training


So anyone else a prepper? Ive been for around a year now. Anyone got a good site or products they would be willing to to advise for such a thing? Advice etc

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
troll thread or not, "doomsday" prepping has got to be the dumbest thing ever.

Actual legit preparation for natural disasters or other similar circumstances is not. A brand new sealed five gallon water jug(with a spout for ez dispensing of water), anyone of those 7-15-30 day containers of food along with a few packages of paper towels/baby wipes, disposable utensils/plates and trashbags is really all you need. Keep all this in a large trunk of some kind and boom prepared for any disaster.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
From the looks of things Hoss is probably part of your retarded club.


<Bronze Donator>
I almost wish you could go back and rename this thread "Prepping". While events leading to the breakdown of society are pretty low on my threat matrix analysis, prepping for more common disasters is not so dumb. A disaster can be a fire requiring you to leave your home (having that bug out bag with copies of important documents might just come in handy), or extreme weather for those who live in tornado/hurricane areas. I like the idea of staying as comfortable as possible during uncomfortable situations.

I found this site interesting because it is by a guy writes about going through the economic upheaval in Argentina. Don't worry, nothing like this could ever happen to the U.S.:SURVIVING IN ARGENTINA

Another interesting site based on experiences with Hurricane Katrina:HURRICANE KATRINA

Reddit has /r preppers, /r bugout, /r selfsufficiency, etc.

Other sites:

Survivalist Forum Survival Gear SHTF and TEOTWAWKI Articles
Prepared Society - Survival, Preparedness, Homesteading, Rural Living

If you are part of myanonamouse.com, if you do a search for prepping, you will find a 3-collection download containing hundreds of related books/articles.

The Mormons have a great starter kit for food prepping:Starter Kit - store.lds.org


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think we have some preppers in my neighborhood. They are from Texas and they bought a couple hundred acres back in the hills. They are super right-wing politically and super religious. They attended the local church for a while but left because it wasn't political enough and the guy wanted to preach part of the time and they wouldn't let him. The house is not visible from the road so I'm not even sure what they are doing back there. They were staying in a trailer at first, but I think they may have built something now. They are here several months out of the year but you never know if they are going to be around or not. They don't seem to have any visible means of support here and their grown son is with them and sometimes several other people. Seem like fairly nice people but I am fairly sure that they are crazy.


<Gold Donor>
I realize this is the Grown Up Stuff subforum, so I'll keep it polite. Big Phoenix has the right of it, but if you're actually concerned with the "Doomsday" part of it, I work with a girl and her niece that are into the doomsday part of it full bore. They (and many friends/family) have two shipping containers (the type you put on a train or a boat, the big ones) for storing stuff in, they have several of those 25-year dried food supplies, bows/crossbows, guns/ammo, etc. She's even trying to learn hydroponic vegetable farming with fish in the water. They also have very little common sense, which means they take the first thing they see on YouTube or Art Bell or whomever and run with it. So if that is the sort of thing you're looking for, I'm sure I could give you all sorts of ideas, but honestly just watching Doomsday Preppers is probably more useful than 90% of the content out there. If something on the show interests you, you can easily get more detailed information next.


True. Some people go to extremes. But hey id rather spend a bit of money being prepared than being am idiot begging for shit if the shit hits the fan. And i do think an econmic collapse will happen in my lifetime.
There is a big difference in doomsday, and prepping etc


<Gold Donor>
Im not into this type of thing by any means. But having watched some of the shows about the extreme families that invest everything into this type of shit, it makes me think. Maybe it would not be such a bad idea to have some shit around in the very slim chance of something happening.

Either way we at least have a place to go to. The wifes old man lives on 30 acres n the middle of nowhere in upper Michigan. Hes got an arsenal, tractors, machinery, tools, snowmobiles even shit to make boards out of logs. and pretty much enough space to house several families, or at least out general immediate family. If shit goes down, thats where were heading.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
True. Some people go to extremes. But hey id rather spend a bit of money being prepared than being am idiot begging for shit if the shit hits the fan. And i do think an econmic collapse will happen in my lifetime.
There is a big difference in doomsday, and prepping etc
People thought nuclear fallout shelters were going to be necessary too... wonder how that worked out.

Honestly, even buying the supplies is a waste - either making or understanding how to make the same stuff is often quite better - and the items that can actually expire are often falsely labeled in such things. It's just a very profitable market that is easy for an "industry" (that pretty much just repackages things at 2-3x cost) exploits because of stupid political drama that the media stirs up. [Most market themselves as food supplements rather than food for example to dodge expiration laws - since the FDA pretty much ignores "food supplements" - even though they're intended to be used as food]

Skillsets are what is worth "prepping" with - anything else is pretty much moot. If things happen (which they won't but...) knowing what to do is more important than what you have stored.


<Gold Donor>
Skills as in what? Reading some shit about how to survive? Not many people that live in the city or burbs (which is where most of us live BTW) have the luxury of leaning life survival skills like hunting, making weapons, trapping, making shelters...etc.. And reading about that shit does not mean you will know it or get it.

I suppose you could watch survivor man marathon next time its on science channel.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I would include practicing such skills within the "learning" part. Boy Scout level at a minimum - but couldn't hurt going beyond that. Plus camping that you'd "need to" do in order to practice is a fun, family bonding activity anyhow.

And I wasn't an Eagle Scout, but was a Scout. (Probably would've made Eagle if I didn't mangle my knee though - was well on track before ending up on crutches for a year and then getting "bored of Scouting" because of getting hooked on PC stuff during the recovery)


Got something right about marriage
Make sure you have plenty of garlic and garlic products.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
From the looks of things Hoss is probably part of your retarded club.
My doomsday preparation is that I have lots of guns. When the SHTF, I'll just go shopping. I used to prepare more, but then I started watching the doomsday preppers show and I saw what a bunch of fucking weenies they were and knew they'd be soft targets.

Just kidding. I won't confirm or deny my prepper status, but I will point out that if I was a prepper, there's no way i'd tell anyone about it.


<Gold Donor>
if the shit hits the fan
You have absolutely no idea how many times I have heard that exact phrase in the last year. You are being reasonable and not linking all sorts of conspiracy stuff, and I feel it is important to let you know that I appreciate that. I actually enjoy talking about the "science" of prepping somewhat, and have tried with my friend, but too often they lapse into full-blown Lumie mode and don't actually think about what they are doing.

Here's a good example. The niece's dad is fairly well off and works all over the world, not really having a home to come back to beyond his kid's home, so he has a lot of money to spend on crazy shit. He's also at least as into this doomsday stuff as the rest of them (he was convinced ISON was going to crash the power grid). Since they were discussing how they were going to get everyone up to the property all this stuff is at, and how everyone wouldn't fit, etc...he bought them a huge 5th wheel trailer, like a 30 footer. Of course, no thought went into this at all, so a month after they bought it when the neighbors complained to the city and they got a ticket telling them it can't just sit in front of their house forever, they had to take it to an RV storage lot. Now it sits there, generating fees for doing nothing, and you have to call ahead of time to have them bring it out for you. How useful is that really going to be if the "shit hits the fan" suddenly? Are you really going to have a day or more warning to get it out, load it up, and then drive it where it needs to go? Not to mention, only one vehicle they have is even capable of towing it, and the guy who drives it often goes several hours away for his job in construction.

And of course, the biggest thing of all the "prepping" is to practice your plan, over and over, to find out how long it will really take, how much stuff you really need to bring, etc. I've harped on that many times (because they won't listen to me telling them they are nuts, so this is the only thing I can legitimately complain about), but have they even practiced once? Of course not. Have they checked out alternate routes in case the freeways are blocked? Of course not. Will they likely all die "if the shit hits the fan" just like me? Probably.

I don't know what you are prepping for, exactly, so that is a start. I also don't know if you intend to hole up in your home for awhile and then find somewhere to go, or if you have a location in mind. Since you said you expect the economy to collapse at some point, I am assuming you are prepping for something with an extended time frame, and that's where Vaclav's advice comes into play. If you expect to only need things for a few weeks or a month or two, you can conceivably stock that up. But if you need to live for years, you can never save enough, you have to have a place to go to and the skill set to make it work. All of my ranting about my friends aside, you need to clarify a few of the things you want to be prepared for if you want real advice.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Having a first aid kit is just common sense
Most FAK supplies (garlic included for Lumie's) loses potency within just a few years - so while it is, it's not really Doomsday Prep if you're assuming you'll be able to find more to replace it. Better to know how to make FAK stuff from normal stuff than getting prepackaged.

Giving a serious answer to a joke, I realize - but its important data to prevent people being wasteful which the "industry" preys upon.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Vvoid: I'm amused that I'm being the non-wordy one and having people elaborating for me for a change. But more or less yea. I don't think things like practicing the "plan" stuff is that big of a deal, since factors will be so random.

But the main key is vigilance and knowing WHAT TO DO for a wide variety of circumstances, not just "buy shit and sit in a bunker with some guns" which some think might work. Because while it would be able to work for a brief timeframe (assuming you're careful about perishability of supplies/etc) it would get a point quickly where you're limited to scavenging (often for expired stuff putting health at risk) or basically turning into something akin to Fallout raiders where you're just poaching on others, which of course has a limited amount of viability since you'd make a target of yourself for retribution. [and of course legal action should things get back under control]

Being vigilant is a good thing, but it's very easy to go into nutso territory - most expenses for such would fall into that category. [amongst other things, buying property - if the shit hits the fan, no one's going to care about property rights... unless you're doing some expensive stuff to completely hide it, like making it underground that is VERY costly]


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm in the "knowledge" camp of doomsday prepping. Stuff like learning how to start a fire without matches, properly filter water, shoot a gun (and hit your target), recognize edible plants, etc. It seems like that sort of preparation will serve you much better than material goods that could very well be a) expired, b) inaccessible, or c) taken from you by force.