the story of black adam recovering the magic word is just a way for DC to milk money.
again like we said in the marvel thread, black adam is awesome while shazam(captain marvel/billy baston) is a complete total retard.
case in point, the word.
both black adam(dressed in black/anti hero/villian) and shazam/captain marvel(dressed in red) call upon the magic word shazam.
ok first you're like wtf, this shazam/captain marvel guy calls his own name? shazam to turn into shazam? not really he is billy baston(retard child) that says the magic word shazam to change into captain marvel.
long story short, you can't/won't call him captain marvel, cuz of marvel comics, and he's such a dumb carbon copy of superman that all he's known for is just saying shazam, so ppl just call him shazam.
so saying shazam gives you the combined powers of some ancient gods or some shit (Zeus/Hercules and fuck all if anyone remembers the others) anyway, you say the words lighting strikes and bam, you're fake superman. (these comics were made in the 40's)
so in WW3 where black adam is a cool ass cat murdering superheros and cleaning house with all the worthless E/D/C rank super heroes. captain marvel is like talking to these gods and saying black adam is acting too black(evil) and the gods are like, fuck you, he has our blessing.
so captain marvel does some shit with the DC universe version of dr. strange and changes the word to something black adam will NEVER find out to turn into black adam, ever again.
chocolate egg creme
black adam will NEVER turn into black adam again, so he goes on a hacker quest basically, he's brute force cracking passwords just saying shit and then this.
he even mocks him at the end, how much of an idiot captain marvel is.