That guy
I don't follow this shit. Has it been revealed via casting or anything who they are even going to be in this version? They got a black bolt, namor, or reed? a new panther?
Only, and I'm going to call it ALLEGED, guarantee is Patrick Stewart. The fact that they put it in trailers sets off all kinds of WTF alarms. Marvel has always been good about hiding surprises from trailers. The trio of Spider-Men in No Way Home being edited down to just MCU Peter. Hulk being shown in Infinity War trailers when in actuality Bruce was inside Hulkbuster, all the while Hulkbuster also shown earlier to make people think Tony would be present at the Wakanda finale. Those are the two I can think of off the top of my head, there's probably a compilation video on youtube of differences. I'm skeptical about the Patrick Stewart as Prof X thing purely because of their misdirection shenanigans in the past.