Doctor Who


For those interested, here's a YouTube video with all the theme song variations. The new one is definitely like the 63-67 version.

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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Its almost the 1963 version with a more aggressive percussion section. Someone referred to it as the 'Stomp' theme and its an apt description.

Stomp, oh that nails it. Sounds awesome in surround.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, now that you mention it, it does harken back to the old school Doctor Who theme.
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Ehh...I didn't hate it. Wasn't bad. I'll give it a go.

I guess i'm just still in that Clara Oswald phase when she first met Capaldi. It's gonna take a bit for me to see her as The Doctor.
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Millie's Staff Member
Doctor Who’s Jodie Whittaker Is Making Sci-Fi History
Chris has also spoken about why he decided to eschew past villains, characters, and planets in favor of world-building from scratch this season. Why was it important to start totally anew?
He’s been a Whovian since he was a kid. He’s been probably bubbling up these ideas for his entire career! It’s certainly not denying any of the worlds or monsters, but for him, it was really about going in a new direction and finding places in history we could go to. The interesting thing about being a woman is — although it’s irrelevant as the Doctor — it makes for interesting storytelling when it affects the time period you’re in, or the moment you’re in, or the interactions you have. It’s not the Doctor’s response, it’s other people’s response. And as a woman, that’s often the thing: We’re not surprised we can achieve things as women, it’s often other people who are.

I had the same thought after watching the premiere. Modern-day Britain is one thing, but what if the Doctor materializes in the European Dark Ages?
Exactly. What Chris wanted to do, particularly in the cast and in the story, is reflect the world we live in today. Very often, we’re only seeing stories being told through the white male gaze. That’s what Doctor Who always celebrated. The backlash is always the thing that gets focused on, but really, it’s so small. And also, for a true fan, they know it’s not warranted.

It’s one thing to have an anonymous Twitterbot spew stupid, misogynistic stuff about your casting, but when a former Doctor Peter Davison says he has doubts because it’s a “loss of a role model for boys,” does that give you pause?
I feel for him, because I feel he was misinterpreted. I don’t think it was a true reflection of what he was trying to say. Regardless of what was said, the mythology of “boys can only look up to boys” whereas “women are expected to look up to men,” it was never a question that our role models are men. But men have looked up to women their entire lives. Mothers, aunts, bosses — there are many versions of female heroes within our lives that are regardless of gender.

If someone actually came up to you and said, “I’m not watching the show anymore because the Doctor is a woman,” how would you respond?
I suppose I’d say, I think you have some internal issues that need addressing. I wonder if their mothers would be proud of that comment. [Laughs.] Some people are capable of change, but it isn’t worth engaging with, necessarily.

Let’s talk about your grand entrance! What were the conversations like surrounding that scene, especially in regards to the revelation of the Doctor discovering her new gender?
It was the second day on-set that I got to actually say all of those lines and do all of that jumping. I was like, Are you fucking kidding me? Jumping? You bastards! That hero speech is when I remember who I am. When I’m like, I thought my legs used to be longer!, it was a joy to play around with. It’s a nod to the fans, but if you haven’t seen the show before it’s okay, because it adds to the mystery of the character. Watching it back, it’s the most extraordinary entrance I’ve ever had to do.

Are there motivations in future episodes when gender becomes more prevalent?
They do. There are times when we potentially go into history where gender is referenced, sometimes through others characters, too. But it’s irrelevant with the Doctor. The Doctor is the Doctor. The character isn’t lost because it’s in a female form. Maybe sometimes other people’s reactions are different because it’s a woman and not a man, but that’s as far as it goes.
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Trakanon Raider
I honestly don't care about the Doctor being a woman, but they had a bit of an interview with Jodie Whittaker before the 1st episode that my DVR recorded. I watched a few minutes of it, but then she said something along the lines of 'this year is all stand alone stories, so you don't have to be a huge who fan to know whats going on, or if you miss a few episodes you can jump right in' and that DID piss me off. The best seasons were the ones WITH giant meta stories/arcs that threaded through the entire season, or multiple seasons. Bad Wolf, something on Donna's back, The crack in the wall, etc.. It seems the people over there keep thinking the problem is something different then it actually is. There is a way to make meta stories without alienating casual fans as well. You don't have to pick one or the other.
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Trakanon Raider
Well, depending on when she finds the TARDIS, that might be the story arc. Maybe they get it this weekend, but it hasn't been in any of the trailers that I can think of.
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Trakanon Raider
Sure, but that's not really a story arc like I mean, unless there's some reason the TARDIS ejected her and took off. Like, if someone/something is interfering with the TARDIS, then ok. If it's just 'oops, I fell out during regeneration' then that's pretty lame. Though, if they are trying bring back the Doctor working with UNIT more, I'm always for that.
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Millie's Staff Member
I honestly don't care about the Doctor being a woman, but they had a bit of an interview with Jodie Whittaker before the 1st episode that my DVR recorded. I watched a few minutes of it, but then she said something along the lines of 'this year is all stand alone stories, so you don't have to be a huge who fan to know whats going on, or if you miss a few episodes you can jump right in' and that DID piss me off. The best seasons were the ones WITH giant meta stories/arcs that threaded through the entire season, or multiple seasons. Bad Wolf, something on Donna's back, The crack in the wall, etc.. It seems the people over there keep thinking the problem is something different then it actually is. There is a way to make meta stories without alienating casual fans as well. You don't have to pick one or the other.
yeah, i saw a YT video talking about it. it was a Dr Who YT channel and the guy was a fanboy, so he loved the idea of creature of the week with no continuity. bad wolf was fucking sweet and so was the Crack in The Wall/Silence arch. shit went downhill soon as they wrote Amy Pond out of the show. even Smith noped out afterward.
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Trakanon Raider
And yet, this episode they hinted at some kind of meta story with the 'timeless child' thing. We'll see..

I'm still not sure how I feel about the show so far. It FEELS different. A previous post pointed out the cinematography feels different, like the difference between movies/tv movies, and I totally agree. Also, it didn't really feel like Doctor Who until she found the TARDIS at the end of the episode, could have been any sci-fi show up to that point, and maaaan is that a re-design. While the control unit in the middle looks good, the area around it really felt like a production stage, rather than the inside of the TARDIS. It looked cool, don't get me wrong, but it was missing the stairs/handrails/levels/etc.. that made the previous ones look a bit like a spaceship. This one felt like it was just the control unit in the middle of some large space.

I'm still reserving judgement. I'm certainly still watching and I chose it first in the list of shows I had DVR'd, so that's a good sign I'm enjoying it, but it certainly feels a lot different.
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Potato del Grande
I thought that the premise of episode 2 was a little boring and those sniper bots were very unthreatening.

Interesting that the planet was a weapons development/testing site for the alien race from the first episode. They seem to be setting some things up.

Wouldn't be surprised if the people doing the race show up again. Seemed similar to the game show in the season 1 finale which was selecting people to be turned into Daleks.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This one felt like it was just the control unit in the middle of some large space.

Much like them using a remix of the original Who theme for the title music, the Tardis interior also looks to be a throwback. For pretty much the entirety of the Classic Who run, the Tardis interior basically was just a flat room with the console and maybe a couple doors and other random shit decorating the space.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the chaotic spaceship feel for the New Who stuff, but I can see why they went this route.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm with Enzee Enzee , something still feels off. She has a sense of cockiness that doesn't seem earned. I know that doesnt make sense because the character is still The Doctor. Maybe it's just the actor. Michelle Gomez still felt like The Master, but Jodi just isn't there yet.
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Trakanon Raider
It's cockiness and 'i'm just here to haaaalp people..' at the same time, that comes across more as forcing the issue. It's like the words written are cocky, but she isn't delivering them with a confidence yet. For example, when the spaceship was crashing and the dude is like 'think you can do better?' it was as if she wasn't sure she could, then convinced herself 'oh yea, i'm the doctor, i probably can' whereas previous doctors would have just jumped in and done it before the guy even asked. Or, when the TARDIS wasn't there at first, no previous NewWho doctor would have been like 'i'm sorry, I let you all down and doomed us all.' when it wasn't there at that exact moment. The whole thing with Capaldi's run was the Doctor always, ALWAYS assumes they will get out of a situation, then figures out how.

I don't know if it's the writing or the actress delivery, maybe both. She might be too nervous about being judged by the fans and is trying to play it safe, or it might just be how the show runner is trying to do things, idk.

That said, I'm liking the companions for the most part. They aren't on Amy/Rory level of awesome, but they aren't annoying at least. I liked their reactions to most of the situations, like the stepson (grahm?) going all first person shooter on the robots. Yaz has had almost no development as a character yet, but the relationship between the grandpa/stepson is starting to build up. It's got an interesting starting point, anyway.
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Millie's Staff Member
still haven started watching yet and the second ep doesnt sound that exciting from reading posts here, will be interesting to see if the Rosa Parks episode fares any better on sunday.
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Trakanon Raider
see if the Rosa Parks episode fares any better
Read this to yourself again.

Hell maybe they'll surprise me this weekend, but jesus christ Rosa Parks? I know he's a Male, but if you want to tackle civil rights, do a story on MLK and why you can't alter the past in key moments. At least the Van Gough episode was a PSA for Mental Illness and Depression.

Rosa Parks...
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Millie's Staff Member
Read this to yourself again.

Hell maybe they'll surprise me this weekend, but jesus christ Rosa Parks? I know he's a Male, but if you want to tackle civil rights, do a story on MLK and why you can't alter the past in key moments. At least the Van Gough episode was a PSA for Mental Illness and Depression.

Rosa Parks...

see, its just like the Vincent episode, one sat on a bus seat and the other created some of the greatest and highest valued art in human history.
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Semi-pro Monopoly player
1 word....cutaways

waaaay too many in episode 2...

jesus, with the editing...

What is this, Saving Private Ryan?
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Potato del Grande
Van Gogh episode made me cry.

The old guy is a bus driver so can't wait for him to have to drive the racist bus to preserve the timeline because space alt right nazis killed the original bus driver.
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Millie's Staff Member
Van Gogh episode made me cry.

The old guy is a bus driver so can't wait for him to have to drive the racist bus to preserve the timeline because space alt right nazis killed the original bus driver.
Would be hilarious if the break was that the bus driver reserved a seat for her in the front and thus set civil rights back for a thousand years. Never mind the fact that Rosa parks wasn't the first to pull the back of the bus stunt. She was just the first that the fake media grabbed onto.