Pat Stacey: Right wing Doctor Who haters are lying - series is far from failing with Jodie Whittaker -
Not that you’d believe it if you read certain British papers.
Reading the below-the-line comments on some of these dailies’ websites after a Doctor Who episode is a nauseating experience that leaves you wanting to rinse your eyeballs with Optrex.
It’s like plunging into a sewer of misogyny and racism. Regular complaints tend to include the following: “Too many women. Too many black and brown faces. Too many namby-pamby plots, smuggling in messages about racism, imperialism and inclusiveness. The lefty pinkos at the BBC won’t be happy until the Doctor is played by a one-legged black lesbian wearing a #MeToo T-shirt.”
In the grand scheme of things, the fate of a mere TV series ranks low on the list of priorities. But don’t be fooled: this is The Big Lie in action.
The Big Lie, invented by Hitler, perfected by Goebbels and practised with dismaying success by Trump on his obliging base, is an ingeniously simple concept. Tell an outrageous lie often enough and soon people will begin to accept it as fact.
Well, don’t accept it. Doctor Who is doing just fine without a penis.
Doctor Who is on BBC1 on Sunday at 6.30pm