Well, they took what could have easily been a great mystery/mind fuck of the season and probably ruined it.
Chibnall said in some interview recently that Obama-Doctor is legitimately The Doctor, and not some parallel universe type thing or trickery. So it's 100% expected that he's going to somehow shove this one into canon somewhere and expect all of us to just roll with it.
I fully expect him to now do some bullshittery and probably say that durr hurr Jodie-Doctor is actually the Nth Doctor in this new set of regenerations and then introduce us to all the minority, lesbian and transgender Doctors of this set that Jodie-Doctor forgot all about because "plot".
I say that because as bad as THAT sounds, he wouldn't dare try to shove this Obama-Doctor in between previous classic regenerations, would he? Pull another War Doctor type move, but without any of the finesse? Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't tell me that is where Chibnall is going with this....