Doctor Who


Tranny Chaser
Yeah I was only after the simulcast. There is no way in hell I'm not seeing it on the 23rd, so the 25th then just becomes a 3D repeat.


Just noticed while looking at the guest list for Rhode Island Comic Con that Simon Fisher-Becker is going to be there. He seems out of place without another Who alum in attendance


Molten Core Raider
Just a brief look at his website he seems to do quite a few conventions. And damn, pretty fucked up that some thug kids nearly crippled him a few years back.

I still wonder if the utter lack of information and previews means we are in for some big surprises in 3 weeks.


He was a pleasant gentleman and answered my questions on the behind the scenes stuff. I didn't bother asking him about the 50th or if he would be back next season, he wouldn't have told me anyway.

On a side notes, saw plenty of 10s and 11s and a few tardises but only one Donna, Amy, and River. also some young kid was inside a Dalek dressed as 11 with the fez pushing it around, fully articulated too.


So, because of the LAX shooting a few of the celebrities cancelled their appearances because of backlogged flights or whatever. There were 2 panels that were supposed to happen today (Weird Science Reunion and a Nichelle Nichols panel) but were cancelled because Anthony Michael Hall and Nichols both cancelled. The organizers made up 2 panels on the fly to fill up the time in the halls. I was walking the Con floor when over the loudspeaker they announced a Doctor Who panel with Simon and I was caught off guard. It wasnt really a DW panel, more of a presentation by him that he keeps on hand in the cases where he does Cons without other Who actors. He talked about his early life up to now and what and who his influences where. Really nice presentation.

He said that Capaldi would be like Tennants doctor, be able to do the silly and the serious. He also said that the only problem with the casting of Capaldi was that Moffat and the writers would have a very hard time writing stories for him because he is such an accomplished actor witch amazing range.

I asked him about the Time Agent Vortex Manipulator and he said that he was never told who's it was (might have been lying, but he didnt seem like he was). When that scene was filmed, he thought it was a one shot thing. He also told me something else but it made little sense that he probably shouldnt have said and I dont want to post it in case its true (nothing big and nothing about anything this year). PM me if you want to know.

And damn, pretty fucked up that some thug kids nearly crippled him a few years back.
He actually mentioned that and he now walks with a walking stick/cane. He showed up to the panel in a wheel chair. He said his upper vertabrae is cracked and can not be repaired. He said he would thank them and then throw them off a staircase because he got the part while he was recovering.


Molten Core Raider
First synopsis. Just a general preview, not really spoilers.

The Doctors embark on their greatest adventure in this 50th Anniversary Special: in 2013, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him


Molten Core Raider
The 10th (or is it 11 now?
) Just heard about Twitters IPO price. I think he's saying gtfo.



Millie's Staff Member
so 2 weeks til this finally airs? then a christmas special and then we wait a year for the evil looking 12th doctor episodes to start?


So Rose had another taste of the Heart and went mad, and Clara got her hands on Jack's Vortex Manipulator. The companions have gone off the rails.


Molten Core Raider
I wish we hadn't lost the old board. I wrote a long post about Rose when she became the Bad Wolf. She is the ultimate Deus ex Machina in that she is omnipresent. Her resurrection of Jack proved that. She didn't just rez him in that moment, but in all moments because she is everywhere at once. I also wrote then that I thought she played a huge role in the Time War, possibly being the one who killed the Nightmare Child, but Davies only teased about that in his book.

All of this really makes sense to me. Including the time between the Ood telling the Doctor to come to them at the end of Waters of Mars and him refusing to (The 50th is that time....) He said he married Elizabeth, saved a galaxy, had a planet named after him, etc... It's retroactive continuity at it's finest.

As for Clara, assuming she does have a Vortex Manipulator, isn't it more likely River's? And I still think Clara is someone else. You can even make the argument she IS or will be River due to the fact she is the only one we know of that saw the Doctor's true name. That scene has still never happened with River. But I really want her to be Susan. She meets the first Doctor as he is stealing the TARDIS. Where is Susan??? She tells him to steal this one, they get in together and she more than likely would say something along the lines of You're old enough to be my grandfather.

Not very likely, I know. But I wouldn't mind that, not one bit.


Molten Core Raider
And yeah, it's the 50th. So I expect they will go WAY the fuck off the rails
Looking forward to it.


Musty Nester
Clara being Susan is exactly the sort of sweet touch that I'd expect out of Smith's story. And for a 50th Anniversary special I can't think of a more perfect way to wed the most recent episode to the first while at the same time sending Clara on her way so that the next doctor starts with a new companion.

I think it'd be interesting to give him a primary male companion again. Captain Jack and Rory were secondary companions. And the new doctor is an old guy -- young flirty companions aren't going to fly with him. It would just be weird man. Bring back the Major! Some self-established figure who is truly skeptical of the Doctors bullshit, but fascinated by the notion. Give the doctor a buddy instead of a kitten!

(disclaimer: not to denigrate the quality of the kittens. They've all had the cutest little kitten ears. But puppies are cute too!)