I turned it off at eyecrud monsters. That's it I'm done.
I'll consider watching the finale.
it turns out not actually eyecrud monsters, but instead just rehashing the subliminal message thing from the soul stealing words thing.
yeah, where to start with this show..
one problem I have is with the Doctor himself, as written. like, do the writers understand he is a hypocrite, and incredibly fallible? It feels like they totally gloss over that stuff, to the point, I am not sure its intentional. Like this episode had him give a diatribe about how all creatures need to sleep, even he sleeps. and "humans are greedy, trying to maximize their waking time." This coming from a dude with a fucking time machine, who is 2000+ years old at this point, and begged for and received extra lives. The Doctor has so much time, he actively avoids doing anything. It runs completely hollow having him make absurd judgments on people trying to make the most of their lives, in the time they have.
its like when they have the Doctor constantly encourage people to run headfirst into danger, and time and time again into horrible horrible deaths, or undeaths. If ANY of this actually resulted in positive results once in a while, it would be something at least.. "Try something new!!!" enter into an occupation with terrorist shapeshifters living on Earth..
Then rehashing. Sadly it goes both ways.
on one hand, holy fuck am I sick of Daleks, and the like.
But then, they do something "new", and its eyecrud monsters, rehashing the hypnotic words, AND yet again angels. iirc the "there is something in the corner of your eye" was even a line from the Angel taking over Amy.
Seriously, I would pull a Star Trek(Madoka) on the Doctor Who franchise. Have a big event. Stop the Dalek from ever being created. The entire universe is now remade with Daleks never existing. Everything is new. Species they exterminated are back. good and bad. Time lords. good and bad.