I have seen dogs have seizures also, my oldest GSD was on Core Wellness, a pretty top tier Kibble and had 3-4 seizures on it before we wised up and switched her food again. Never had another one, but she was shaking, screaming, and couldn't stand up. Scared the wife to death when it happened.I need help/advice/ideas on what is happening with one of my dogs. He is a 6 yr old Border Collie/Lab mix and two weeks ago he was sleeping and then just stood up and started screaming and shaking. I held him until he stopped, which was approximately thirty seconds. I felt all along his body in order to locate where the pain was but he gave no indication of having any. I released him and he went off with the other dog as nothing happened. It happened again last night while he was on the bed next to me at 3am. Scared the crap out of everyone in the house. Again, he didn't seem to have any painful parts. I felt for stomach spasms, the whole nine yards. Again, thirty or so seconds he was fine and went back to sleep. No one else did, in fact he was pissed off that we all became active making him feel he had to get up as well.
Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.
You can really work on lessening any behavior no matter the age. They should start ignoring him before they leave and when they get home until he's calm.My parents have a Jack Russell. He suffers from terrible separation anxiety. My parents got him when he was only six weeks old. He is very uncomfortable when he leaves the house and freaks out when people leave. He is also extremely distrustful of anyone he's not familiar with who enters the home; barking, running away from them, hiding under cupboards and beds. He's just an overall nervous wreck of a dog. He's also extremely possessive. He'll growl like an asshole, not playful, if you take away something he has and gets pissed if you do something like make him get off the couch so you can sit down.
He's too far gone at this point. He's seven years old now and my parents have just waited too long to attempt to break him from this kind of behavior. Based on a suggestion from a co-worker, I checked out theThundershirt. The suggestion just came to me yesterday and I quickly did some online research and the results appear to be staggering - almost unbelievable. So I went ahead and bought it as a Christmas gift for my parents. Does anyone else here have any experience with these? Are they as magical as they sound?