There are a lot of restrictions to giving plasma. Can't have gotten a tattoo within a year, can't have visited Europe in the past 20 years, can't have had sex with a man whose had sex with another man since the 70's, and so forth.
I did this a lot a couple years back. good money for sitting in a chair for an hour reading a book or messing around on the internet on my laptop. it was usually 20 the first visit of the week and 40 the second. 60 bucks for a couple hours of doing nothing was a no brainer for me.
I don't know anything about donating plasma, but back in high school and college when I used to donate blood they always said it would be tested for STDs and drugs and the like. Do they not do the same with plasma? I can't imagine they would keep paying drug-addled homeless people repeatedly if that were the case? Or does it somehow not matter for plasma?
Plasma isn't anywhere near the risk of blood as there's no cells in it for viruses to infect. In most states I don't think they let people with tattoos donate blood at all, but plasma is just fine.
There are a lot of restrictions to giving plasma. Can't have gotten a tattoo within a year, can't have visited Europe in the past 20 years, can't have had sex with a man whose had sex with another man since the 70's, and so forth.
Or easily 50% of the people do sell plasma are absolute filth. While waiting to sell my plasma on monday there was some dude just doodling all over his jeans with a ballpoint pen, same dude who has flames tattooed on his head.
Also got knocked out of the plasma game that day too for two months. There was a kink in the one of the lines and it caused the little centrifuge to rupture, spilling a full load of my blood. Obviously they couldnt give the blood back so now I have to wait.