Don't Starve (similar to survival minecraft)


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Anyone else give this a try? It's apparently still in some kind of alpha/beta, but it's for sale on Steam for like 12$ and it gives you two copies.

Really digging it so far actually. It's got a neat graphical style and the survival aspect is pretty intuitive. It's perma death as well, so it has some real fear in it along the lines of "fuck, do I think I can kill this buffalo for meat?" kind of stuff. Has a pretty okay crafting/upgrade/research system as well and different characters with special perks you unlock as you play.

If you're in to survival Minecraft or DayZ you might dig it. There is no multiplayer or anything (yet), but they have been pretty steady on updates every 2 weeks adding new stuff to harvest/craft etc, so it might come in the future.



Silver Knight of the Realm
I've played it a bit, but it became boring fairly quickly. I wish it had some kind of co-op or something.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, definitely boring after a short period of time; it feels like it's missing something.


Like most 'survival' games, what it is missing is a clear and distinct set of goals. You play just to play, to make it another day.

A recent update added 'food spoilage', with food rotting after a set amount of time, to try and force people out of the farming=wins mindset that has infected the player base, but it still does not do enough.

Once you know what you are doing, barring an unlucky spawn on a bad world, you can be set up and essentially immortal (unless you do something stupid) in under a week.

Fun game, but it needs more content.


Like most 'survival' games, what it is missing is a clear and distinct set of goals. You play just to play, to make it another day.

A recent update added 'food spoilage', with food rotting after a set amount of time, to try and force people out of the farming=wins mindset that has infected the player base, but it still does not do enough.

Once you know what you are doing, barring an unlucky spawn on a bad world, you can be set up and essentially immortal (unless you do something stupid) in under a week.

Fun game, but it needs more content.
They need to take out gold tools. Gold is infinite. Flint is not. I ran out of flint and had a blast exploring every fucking island looking for a couple of flint on the ground. I kept thinking it was an awesome mechanic. Forcing you to go out and scavenge is great in a survival game. Then I realized I could have just killed two rabbits and gotten a gold pickaxe that way.

It quickly stopped being a survival game but I still force myself to go out and explore. Especially to get different "floor tiles" (called turfs) to build my base. Finding the rocky turfs was a bloody mess. Had to use an amulet when I aggroed 2 Tall birds from different directions. And I don't even have enough to finish the "fireproof" floor under the fire pit.


Map generation has been changed (vastly improved from the original circular island thing) too. Worm holes are quite convenient too. Liking this update.


They dish out some serious updates every couple weeks. If anyone is still playing.

-Winter comes every 20 days or so, with snow and a new audio landscape.
-Ambient air temperature is modelled, and Wilson will get colder the longer he stays out in the open.
-Getting too cold for too long will cause freezing damage. You can extend your time away from the fire by wearing warm clothing.
-Nights are longer, and vegetation does not replenish.
-Bees and butterflies don't leave their houses in the winter.

-There is a new mod API that should make mods break less when the game updates, and allows multiple mods to work at the same time. There is some documentation on how to create
a mod at:

-Language packs are now actually supported. The game supplies a 'strings.pot' template file with every update, and the game can load .po language files. This should make maintaining translations a lot easier, and allows the usage of industry-standard tools. For more info, go to:

-MacTusk the Walrus - Sets up camp in an igloo, and then hunt you with blowdarts and hounds.
-Deerclops - He's big, he likes to smash stuff, and he's really hard to kill. You should probably just run away.
-Winter Koalefant - You can harvest his warm winter trunk.
-Snowbird - A winter bird that drops a new type of feather.
-Mosquitos - Spawn from ponds or Maxwellian traps. They eat too much and explode!
-Ice Hound - Comes instead of the Fire Hound during winter.

-Blue Gem
-Walrus Tusk
-Deerclops Eye
-Tam o'Shanter
-Snowbird Feather

-Ice Staff
-Blow Darts (damaging)
-Winter Trunk Vest

-This update continues the development of Adventure mode, and seeks to refine the difficulty curve.
-Varying summer/winter lengths
-Varying day/night lengths
-New resource-starved worlds
-Island chain worlds with lots of wormholes

-Added a new world creation screen. There are only a couple of options enabled currently, but soon you will be able to unlock more!

-From our testing, we determined that sanity was coming on too early for new players, but was also easily avoidable by established players. The intention is for sanity to be a long-term lurking danger, so this was the complete opposite of what we were going for. Here are some changes to help rectify this:
-Vegetables, crock foods don't regen as much sanity.
-Monsters cause more sanity drain when near.
-Player's Initial sanity is higher.
-Pure darkness causes a large drop sanity (instead of a gradient around a light source).
-Shadowbeasts show up later in the sanity curve, and are unattackable when you are not insane.
-The crawling horror is weaker and the Terrorbeak is tougher.
-The invisible monster deals sanity damage when he hits you.
-The sanity effect jiggles more slowly, so as to be less nauseating.

-Rabbit traps work again
-Maxwell leaves traps for you in adventure mode
-Armour is less effective
-Player attacks are less powerful
-Pigs can't be stunlocked, have less windup animation before an attack, attack less often, have more health, take longer to respawn, and attempt to kite their targets
-Bees run around between attacks
-Meat healing and health values adjusted
-Dead rabbits respawn slower
-Beefalo drop fewer meats
-Honey doesn't heal as much
-Honey generates more slowly in bee boxes
-Spider dens have more warriors, and cycle through levels faster
-Spoilage is a bit faster in general
-Stale food has less of a hunger penalty
-Healing values are a bit lower in general
-Ponds show up in more places
-Eyebones turn to ash during teleportation even if you hide them in a backpack
-Teleportato pieces are more scattered, and have little setpiece scenes surrounding them
-Panflutes require a mandrake to craft
-Darts shouldn't miss targets that are walking away
-More effective bushhat


The last two updates haveGREATLYramped up the difficulty in the game, if anyone thought it was too easy before, I suggest giving it a fresh try.


Silver Baron of the Realm
This is a pretty fun game and it is updated regularly. Its difficulty is based upon how you play, if you just sit around in your base farming and cooking all day things will be pretty dull at least until winter starts and the Deerclops spawns in your base and destroys everything you've build up lol. With this update you are pretty much forced to explore during winter so that the clops spawns in a safe place and you can better deal with him, all in all it is a fun mechanic. The blow darting walrus huntsman guy is a good challenge also. I also like the short nights in spring/summer and extra long dusks in winter that they just added as it gives you a very nice period of time to farm silk in winter and rabbits/beardlings in summer.

With the addition of mod support I expect some great things from this game, at the moment there are just minor tweaks available though. Check it out if you haven't played since before the sanity update.


With the addition of mod support I expect some great things from this game, at the moment there are just minor tweaks available though. Check it out if you haven't played since before the sanity update.
This. They began mod support 2 or 3 patches ago by just releasing the source code of all their scripts. But they're already building and released a simple API, from what I understand, that helps with multi mod compatibility.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Another patch is due out soon. Infos:
- Rain will affect sanity
- Nightmarish triangle thing, new machine, tier three research station
- Mushrooms regrow if you DON'T dig them up.
- Drying rack preserves meat
- Picking up sound has been made quieter
- Koalaphants will no longer hop to unconnected islands ("Cannonically now, Koalaphants can not fly") (Kevin)
- Umbrella prevents you from going crazy and you can hit people with it
- Most things are okay with being in the rain
- Marble is useful for something, you can make floorings
- Pig king has guardian pigs
- Soggyness makes it harder to keep your fire going, and affects sanity
- Mosquito ponds freeze over in winter
- Evil flowers = Evil petals= Maxwell/corrupted flowers.
- Blue gem can be found in graves
- Mermen are not pigs.
- YOU do not get hit by lightning
- What can you do with gunpowder? "Well, you can blow things up!"
- Horses will appear in sandbox mode
- You can fish in the winter with this patch, in the next update crack open the ice with the axe
- Lightning does start fires, and forest fires. Matt pushed Kevin for that. "More things to light fires? Lets do it!"
- No new character in the update
- Maxwellian rain ("He (Maxwell) cries every so often, and it makes Wilson wet.") (Kevin may have been joking with this one)


A bunch of new content there again. I hope the guy is getting a healthy amount of daily sales and will keep this up.

Added a craftable sign that shows up on the minimap
Part of today's hotfix. If it does what I think it does (let me put a pin where the pig king is for example) it's a nice addition too!


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you guys haven't played it in a while, give it another whirl. Things have changed a lot.


Molten Core Raider
Never touched this but sounds good so will pick it up today. Can you figure everything (including recipes etc) out for yourself as you play or do you need to be reading a wiki or something ? Does reading wiki/info spoil the game ?