I have played with many decent Peruvian players before, but the fact of the matter is, and it is a FACT, even if they DON'T suck, they're generally still obnoxious as fuck and tint the game with anger. They're inalmost every game.
The ping spamming, saying GG over and over again for no reason, the open mics where you can hear their nineteen brothers in the background, and then the occasional intentional feeding / having a pouty fit and stopping play, etc. Ping spamming is a personal favorite, usually after they deep dive, die, and ping the shit out of you, while you have 100 hp and no mana left for anything and escape from feeding yourself. "GG NOOB YOU NO HELP."
The problem is the Peruvian's frequent outbursts cause even the English speaking aspies in the game to freak out and THEY stop playing, and the whole thing just snowballs into shit. I stay calm and mute quickly and just go with the flow, other people can't seem to do that.
They're a fucking menace. We have more than ample, substantial proof of this without claiming it's just a stereotype or that we're racist. I've even seen posts from educated Peruvians on Reddit and playdota before that says they're embarrassed by it.
I know this is tired as fuck and it'll never happen, but for the love of god, force them to play on their own fucking servers now that they have them.