No, Alch is still terrible support, but his ability to build midas in less than 5 minutes and get 800+ GPM is interesting, shame he isn't really an endgame carry, similarly to furion, he can just ride the item advantage before falling on his face, but I can see him having some potential with heroes living for their Agh upgrades, like Lina, Kotl, CM, Abba or Omni. The big issue is whether you want to give Aghs to anybody before you are 6 slotted, since you typically need 1-2 items to farm reasonably fast and that point, the clock is already ticking.
Riki offlane is really good right now in pubs, since it's still rather new and most of my pubs have jungler rather than 2 supports who can split buying chicken/wards/sentries, leaving the lone support too poor to afford them from the start and giving you quite a few levels for free. The hardest part is to not die in teamfights, you need to enter after everybody blew their load, to rack up the kills and gold, since you farm like crap, even though the perma invis regen can let you jungle a bit so you don't go to battle in brown boots. Smoke is 1 point wonder and you scale really well into lategame, so your team has effectively an extra carry in the offlane.
Jakiro ice path range buff is kinda meh. At that range it's really hard to reliably land due to vision problems, but it doesn't hurt on a hero that usually builds tranquils/euls just so he doesn't seem so sluggish.
Bane will probably be very common pick now, the brain sap mana decrease is almost stupid, I expect him to be common support, especially with all the small buffs AM got. Still a bitch to farm with though, but he absolutely destroys WR.
Bloodstone is the only item that can give enough mana to the most mana hungry heroes in the game. It essentially turns you into lol champion. In an environment where fights are common and are expected to have impact, it gave you too much room for errors, not to mention it nullified your mistakes and judging by the treatment of Techies, that's something he really wants to move away from.