I've been trying to run this - it's hard finding people willing to give it a shot. The LS needs a good support in lane to babysit him to farm the aghs, then you need your team to push with you and the golem. Just lost a game where our brood never left the offlane, pudge was inside me, our veno was farming jungle and our Mirana farming top lane. If we had pushed as a team then we could have ended it when the Golem was still an issue for the other team but alas they didn't.
lolHere's a guy using the new map hack on stream:Twitch
Circles are enemy camera positions from what I can tell, and it shows Circles on the mini map for the triangulated hero positions.
I think it is heavily draft dependant. Sure he gets a fuck ton of gold and can be agh Santa clause but at the end of the day he is still alchemist. I've been watching the qualifiers pretty much all weekend when I get the chance and he loses just as often as he wins. Aggressive comps with good high ground potential have absolutely wrecked him. While teams he has been on have wrecked more passive line ups. Just don't get in to a farm war with his team and you should be okay.Is this new Alch Greed build on the edge of broken? Looking at the Net Worth during these games is a little fucked up.
Yeah that's what I was watching too, during that Bulldong rat the BTS cast totally didn't pay attention, they were like "Alliance lost that fight so bad, they should have been able to win, they didn't even roar and shit", meanwhile BM was top the entire time taking a rax lol and it took them like 2-3mins of chatting to notice the rax were missing.lol I was watching the BTS stream so hadn't heard Blitz and Capitalist. The clown factor on the BTS commentary was great if you can find it.