I only tested on Razor but it increases the leash break range too, so it doesn't like instantly break if you link at max range with increase ranged, which would be terrible.
The main exceptions that were questionnable were movement abilities that don't require clicking(Mirana leap and Slark pounce) and a bunch of abilities that seem to have complex distance mechanics, like Puck's orb(amount of time you can blink to your orb is linked to the spell itself so increasing distance would need an increase in time you can blink too, so it doesn't work atm), Windrunner's Power shot(I assume cause of charging, or maybe cause of target reducing damage for every hit) or Mirana's arrow(increases stun/damage for the distance).
Other than that it works on everything that's targetable and isn't an attack modifier(and I mean in the large sense, like anything that replaces your attack with a modified projectile even if it stacks with other stuff).