You also get more gold nowadays than you ever did from assist gold to having more jungle shit to kill, and obviously the costs of supporting keep going lower(fucking courier is like half of what it was a few years ago nowadays or some shit).
Plus at a lower tier, it's very very unlikely your carries(aka the 4 other shmucks) are actually farming the whole map properly. In a high tier game, you can't pick too many cores cause there's only so many ressources and everything gets saturated, but at lower tiers, people are fucking shit at farming efficiently, so you as a support can actually get some farm if you're playing smart.
This is more like if you're a higher skilled support trying to climb though, if you're at your own skill level, it's unlikely you'd have the skills necessary to fully exploit this. For example, in general, last hitting with a support is harder. They mostly have god awful attack points and base damage, so you have to be more trained than say last hitting with a melee hero that has 65base damage with a quelling blade or whatever. And spamming spells is rarely that efficient until you already have some farm.
Not every support is gonna do well lategame either, but no one's forcing you to pick one like this. You can go supports that scale well with gear. Even a support like dazzle can do great things with some decent gear. You don't have to be like rushing deso, but a medallion urn dazzle than then get a right click item like AC or mjolnir or deso can definitely wreck people lategame.
Now the real question though, is how much do you value wards in low tier games. A lot of these motherfuckers will cry about no wards when they die, but even if you ward since they don't check their minimaps or don't retreat when an enemy is pinged, it's fucking useless. I think buying like one ward every 6mins is probably good enough for low tier games, just place it around roshan with the rune in vision, and you're good.