
Lord Nagafen Raider
I got in late to the second game when it was 1-0 EG about 5 minutes into the game and then suddenly Zeus dies and Alliance is up 5k? Wtf happened?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Alliance zerged towers down behind 5k+ worth of hps on creeps then EG were back in their own base once they have full map control, which they are gonna get with a bat/NS. There really is no way to ban around this type of shit, the most you could hope for is ban 2/3 of Chen/LD/Prophet and have first pick to deny them that too.


Vyemm Raider
EG just drafted super horribly. I think it's really hard to draft against Alliance right now since literally all of their signature heroes are strong in this current patch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
EG just drafted super horribly. I think it's really hard to draft against Alliance right now since literally all of their signature heroes are strong in this current patch.
From the games I've watched the carry spot is being drafted really poorly right now. So often you see a 1 position being abused by A's strats.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just watched the games. Wow, Alliance just rolled this tournament.

In game 2, that Chen troll net at like 21 minutes to cancel the TP was so money (for the 5 man wipe).


EG just drafted super horribly. I think it's really hard to draft against Alliance right now since literally all of their signature heroes are strong in this current patch.
I'd agree thatsomeof their signature heroes are strong, mostly Chen, Lone Druid and possibly Batrider, but whatever else might be considered Alliance heroes like Puck, Rubick, Naga, Chaos Knight are far from being overpowered. Heck, other teams even managed to lose 5 of 7 games they picked LD so he's far from an auto-win and NP was like 6-11 overall.

That's not to say that this patch isn't a good one for Alliance but mostly they were just playing really well after the first day.


<Silver Donator>
I don't know if Batrider is like, strong? Wasn't really buffed, if anything one of his best counter, Venge, was buffed with Aether Lens. And almost only EG and Alliance played it during the tournament, he's far from a hot pick(at least he wasn't before, might be now). It feels very much like a S4 preference pick.

But yeah a lot of the hot picks atm are stuff that Alliance used to play a lot. A bunch isn't though. They don't really play Zeus or Death Prophet, they favor Jugger over Gyro(which makes sense when you have a LD on the team, healing ward on bear is just way too good since it's % based), they don't play Earth Spirit or Oracle or Dark Seer.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know if Batrider is like, strong? Wasn't really buffed, if anything one of his best counter, Venge, was buffed with Aether Lens. And almost only EG and Alliance played it during the tournament, he's far from a hot pick(at least he wasn't before, might be now). It feels very much like a S4 preference pick.

But yeah a lot of the hot picks atm are stuff that Alliance used to play a lot. A bunch isn't though. They don't really play Zeus or Death Prophet, they favor Jugger over Gyro(which makes sense when you have a LD on the team, healing ward on bear is just way too good since it's % based), they don't play Earth Spirit or Oracle or Dark Seer.
He was also buffed with Aether Lens and he profits a lot from the new camps, since he can reliably farm even in offlane and he is still a beast in 1v1 lanes, since the magic burst heroes got nerfed heavily - Lina, Storm, SF. Supports rotate a lot more. If they don't, you just jungle.

Straight outta pub:


Lord Nagafen Raider
DP has looked terrible in this tourney though. Awful win rate from what i've seen.

Her mana costs are really high early too... Dunno, hasn't been a problem in pubs from what i've seen, especially considering how much of a scourge invoker has been for the past few weeks/months.
She did, I guess I should have clarified. The issue seems to be soul siphon, it seems like a pugna ultimate that can't be interrupted or fogged, scales, slows and she can have 3 simultaneous. e.g.Virtus.Pro vs Team Secret - SL i-League LAN Group B - LD GoDz - YouTube

I don't think I agree that lone druid is overpowered right now.he's a strong hero that's back in the meta after a long time being out of it. I think if you wait a little while longer and give it more time people are going to figure out how to play and beat it and it won't seem op. Honestly the only thing that seems a little over powered is how tanky the heroes seems to get when he gets his ult at level 6. Bats interesting because on one hand your right he's almost back to ti3 levels but it needs 2 items and one of 3 or 4 people to show case it. Interestingly I think there's a couple more heros now that are in the game that weren't back then that are actually capable of countering him. I think the patch while it came out late still came out early enough for people to be ready for the next major I'm also really enjoying it because playmaking mids are back in vogue.. all that aside best part about this game is you don't like this play style wait till the next big patch and theyll probably buff other play styles
He feels like he has exactly the same issues as the TI3 era. Can farm with safety in the offlane, barely needs items to push, can safely split push, extremely tanky and has effectively a builtin aegis. I think post TI3 (??) they also changed it so that the bear doesn't die when aegis is popped on LD.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Chen, Invoker, Aether Lens all nerfed 6.86d

* Aether Lens now has a 550 gold recipe instead of a Cloak (no longer grants Magic Resistance)
* Hand of God cooldown is no longer reduced by Aghanim's Scepter
* Invoker's base agility reduced from 20 to 14
* Deafening Blast manacost increased from 200 to 300


Trakanon Raider
Lens is still really strong item, but now it's not instant buy on any spellcaster.
Chen change is irrelevant to my pubs, unless I decide to play him.
Invoker is less stupid, Frog definitely wants him to be a versatile spellcaster, not a-click machine, plus he's squishier at the start


<WoW Guild Officer>
Luthair, I can't remember but did lone druid get nerfed after ti3 or was it just the huge meta change that made him almost unplayable?

As to lens, I didn't think the resistance was what made it insta buy on casters? So unless I'm missing something with that it would still pretty much still be an insta buy for most of the casters no?


Trakanon Raider
Luthair, I can't remember but did lone druid get nerfed after ti3 or was it just the huge meta change that made him almost unplayable?

As to lens, I didn't think the resistance was what made it insta buy on casters? So unless I'm missing something with that it would still pretty much still be an insta buy for most of the casters no?
Early game the people who build it (supports) tend to die to magic damage, so a single item having great value for both defense and offense is really strong, they also have the "boots" effect, where if you are the only guy without them, you are toast since you will get disabled before you can get anything off due the other side having superior range.

LD was never really nerfed, beyond the armlet, he was just bumfucked by the meta changes. When supports started to roam more, he had the nasty habit of dying before lvl 6, especially with heroes like tusk. While he is strong naked, the era of farming mids left him in the dust since they farmed even faster, needed the jungle and could just blow up naked bear in seconds or pick off the old fart himself. He never really caught on as pos. 1 since he doesn't bring any nukes to participate early and needs an item or 2 to farm efficiently and farms ancients like ass.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So this AM (Nate Higgers) thinks techies is scripting and decides he's going to take it upon himself to dole out some MMR justice. He feeds 0-48 and his team STILL wins. WTF? The video is a 10 minute highlight reel. The game was actually 71 minutes.



Lord Nagafen Raider
No, that was apparently added in 6.78, which is the patch TI3 was played with
Seems it was gold before, exp after.

He's also had a bunch of buffs since, the hero moves faster. The bear also did not have mana at the time (iirc) which meant it couldn't TP to another lane and had to walk there instead.